Monday, August 15, 2011

Urban Fiction in Libraries

             Urban fiction novels are now on the shelves of libraries. The popular genre of books are no longer found just on the tables of street vendors but on display for all to see in Barnes & Nobles, and libraries everywhere. 

        I work in a library and I am proud to say that I was apart of creating a section of African-American books called  Black Experience where urban fiction was included. Being in charge of the section I watched it grow and was a witness to a number of people plucking books off the shelves in order to check it out.  Patrons come to my job and inquire about the books, asking wither or not we have a specific novel. People take out a number of books at a time and come back for more.

                 Urban fiction is taking the world by storm, almost everywhere you look people are indulging in the books, on the trains, in book stores, and in libraries.Urban fiction has their own sections and wall units. After doing research and reading articles based on urban fiction novels in libraries, I have come to learn that urban fiction are big in libraries in general.

        In The New York times article From the Streets to the Libraries written by Anne Barnard in 2008, Lora-Lynn Rice the director of collections in York County's Martin Library stated that there are people who are reading for the first time who never came to the library now entering asking for urban fiction books. Within the article it explains that some readers read the genre because they can relate to it. A mother and wife by the name of Shonda Miller said "I read what I can relate to. They're writing about what I've experienced. It's easier than reading about Beverly Hills and Rodeo Drive."
           Barnard writes that Ms.Miller did not experience the harsh, fast pace life that many urban fiction novels speaks about, but instead she  recognizes the characters nights of clubbing and wearing door-knocker earrings. Along with their misfortunes  and desire for a better life.
           Two weeks ago I went to Barnes & Nobles and I stood in the isle looking for a urban fiction book to read. Reading the back of K'Wan's book Eve a woman walked into the isle with me. In her hands I noticed she had a hand full of urban fiction books, I thought to comment on the novels since I'm such a big fan but thought against it. I continued to read the back of the book when she said "that's a good book." After that we chatted and I put her on to books that had a part three and we ran to get her Dirty Divorce 3 so that she could catch up. Just like me she was an urban fiction fanatic.

         At work there are a few of us who reads urban fiction, we let each other know when the library get a  new urban book and race to get a copy. When co-workers are not sure about questions relating to the topic they direct patrons to me and I take it from there, happy to help. I even recommend books and let readers know what books were made into sequels.

      Libraries everywhere are getting a number of patrons searching for these books.   Urban fiction books are out there, libraries, book stores, publishers, and online stores are all trying to get in on the craze.  Kindles and Nooks offers urban fiction books, you still have street vendors selling the books, displays of the genre grace books stores, and libraries. Their not a secret, their everywhere.

             If your intrested in reading The New York Times article From the Streets to the Libraries by Anne Barnard check out the link.                        

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