Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Conversation with Dama Cargle

           Everyday a new author is introduced to the urban fiction genre and everyday authors, readers and people in general step back and critique these new comers. Thoughts such as who are they, what have they written, and are they any good? Starts to flow through minds and never settle unless these questions are answered. Some believe in sitting back and watching how the presence of these new authors will affect the genre while others take the bold approach and actually say to the author "Who are you?" and that is exactly what My Urban Books did we sat down with the new author Dama Cargle who has the literary world buzzing and asked "Who are you?" check out what she had to say.
My Urban Books: Dama you are a new author so tell us about yourself, who is Dama the author?
Dama Cargle: Dama the author and my personal self is one in the same, I’m focused, passionate and learning about my business and love what I’m doing. There’s nothing else I would rather be doing at this moment. Any and everything I do, I do it with 110% and I think a person will see that when they read my books, or interact with me.
My Urban Books: What does your writing  process consist of?
Dama Cargle: I find inspiration in something or someone. I always pray first before I write one word, turn my music up so load I can’t hear anything that’s going on around me. May have an alcoholic drink to help me get in a zone and let my characters take over.
My Urban Books: You worked on an anthology with authors Shan, YungLit, and Monique Chanae called When it Rain’s it Pours. Which do you find more exciting and harder to write an anthology or full fledge novel?
Dama Cargle: It’s all the same with me. Grab the reader’s attention from the start and don’t let go until the very last word. Only difference is you have to compress the story into fewer words when it comes to a short story. But it all works out the same.
My Urban Books: Tell us about the exact moment you knew you wanted to write, paint a picture for us.
Dama Cargle: I was so tried and sleepy one night and for me my characters don’t come through until I try to go to sleep. Well this night, I don’t know why this part, but the ending of The Finale wouldn’t let me sleep. I made a FB post praying to God stating something along the lines of….. "if you allow these people in my head to stop talking for just a couple hours of sleep I would give them all my attention."This lady in boxed me and told me to never ask God to stop a gift he has been placed upon you. She told me sleep will come but right now be obedient to God, so I got up and fixed me some coffee and let Sereniti’s emotions flow and till this day that is one of the most emotional chapters I have written.
My Urban Books: Are you an eBook or paperback person?
Dama Cargle: Both, I love eBooks for providing a way for upcoming authors to have control over their very own destiny. But my first love would be paperbacks.
My Urban Books: What advice have you received that stuck in your head?
Dama Cargle: Write, write, and write some more. As for me the characters start talking more even when I’m not writing, their talking. I find myself talking to them. I can vividly see them, their mannerism, their smell. Most of the time we argue when it’s time for bed becasue their not ready but I am.
My Urban Books: Tell us about your style of writing, how would you describe it?
Dama Cargle:I would call it sexy suspense LOL. I love to paint a picture of a sexy woman or man then take you on drama suspense ride filled with an unbelievable ending that will leave you craving for more.
My Urban Books: You just released your latest novel Sereniti what would you like for readers to know about this novel?
Dama Cargle: I would like people to know I’m serious about this. I did a lot of research and let my emotions flow with this story. I am Sereniti, as well as many other women. I think Sereniti is relatable for those that have loved a man in the game or his career more than he loves you in return.
My Urban Books: When you’re writing do you read novels?
Dama Cargle:Yes. It doesn’t bother me at all; my storyline is already laid out. I look at it as being homework, plus I like to keep up with what people think are 5 stars reads.
My Urban Books: What scenes do you enjoy writing most?
Dama Cargle: I love writing as a whole but I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy writing the sex scenes. What can I say; I’m a caring, passionate, lovable person.
My Urban Books: Will you write novels outside of the urban fiction genre?
Dama Cargle: Yes. I’m thinking about dipping into Erotica and Mystery. Go figure... LOL.
My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Dama Cargle:I still consider my upcoming. But I will say this, don’t give up, when times get challenging keep pushing. Trust, when you type that last word you’re going to feel like you have conquered the world. Treat this like a business do your research and research some more not many are willing to give a helping hand sorry but it’s true. As respectful as possible bogard your way in, you’re going to run into some that’s not going to be happy with your hustle, but your entire concern should be making a name for yourself demand respect then the help will come freely because everybody wants to be associated with a winning team.