There is a new wave of
authors coming ashore and their bringing with them to the new world a universe of
stories which are waiting to be told. These authors have a fresh voice and as I
watched them depart from the boat labeled “Fresh Pens” I noticed Jai’Nicole was
amongst the crowd. She had an aura which screamed stardom! So I grabbed my
notepad and pen and headed her way. “Hello Jai’Nicole, I am My Urban Books and
I would like to interview you,” with my pen touching my pad I anticipated her
answer. She then turned to me and said ………..
Urban Books: What
is your fondest memory as a child?

Urban Books: What
was your nick name growing up?
I actually never had one. LOL My real name (Jamie) was short and simple enough
that I never got that privilege.
Urban Books: You
discovered your talent for writing when you were assigned to write a short
story for school, what was your story about?
Nicole: My memory is a little fuzzy but I believe it was about
bears at a picnic. I was in the third grade and made the lead character my
favorite teddy bear at the time. LOL
Urban Books: At
one point you stopped writing for nearly ten years, during that time did
writing cross your mind? Did you miss it and yearn to dabble in it once again?
I felt that becoming an actual author would be nearly impossible—especially
after researching how “hard” it was to actually land a publishing deal, so I
had actually brushed the thought of becoming an author to the side. I still,
however, loved to read and as long as I could do that, I was happy. I didn’t
get the desire to start back writing again until I worked at Borders in 2008. I
wrote a bit during my pregnancy, but after my son was born, it was put on the backburner
again. Now at that time I really did miss writing and tried to write whenever I
got a spare moment, whether it is late at night or bringing a notebook to my
job during my lunch break.
Urban Books: Why
write urban fiction? Did you always aim to write in this genre?
What I first initially wanted to write was family saga/gothic horror like one
of my favorite authors, V.C. Andrews, but after I got my hands on ‘The Coldest
Winter Ever’ and ‘Flyy Girl’ I wanted to write in that genre. It interested me
because it was different from anything I ever read. It was so real and raw, and
while my life growing up was nothing close to comparable to those books, I had
friends and boyfriends that lived that way. I drew off their experiences and my
own imagination to create my books.
Urban Books: Do
you find yourself comparing your work to other authors?
No, not at all. I believe that we’re all talented in our own right and have
different writing styles and mindsets. I think that no author should ever
compare themselves to another. I think it does more harm than good.
Urban Books: When you received word back from Azarel pertaining to your
manuscript what was the first thought that ran through your mind?
my God! My dream is finally about to come true. My book is gonna be on
bookshelves and I’m actually gonna have fans! People outside of my close
friends will be reading what I write…” May sound corny, but that’s exactly what
I thought. I was so ecstatic.
Urban Books: In what ways has your life changed since signing with Life
Changing Books?
had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people and I feel a great sense
of accomplishment. More people are aware of my talent and it feels really good
to be recognized and congratulated. It has helped me see that writing is
something that I really want to make a permanent career out of.
Urban Books: How much of yourself did you put into Cashin Out?
There is a piece of me in every one of the characters—well, except for maybe
Rallo. LOL How I would react in certain situations or how I would feel if I was
put into a scenario… those are things derived from myself, but the book concept
itself is nowhere near anything I’ve experienced, save for the fact that I was
once in an abusive relationship like Chanelle and betrayed by men that I
thought loved me. I just amped it up a notch to create Cashin’ Out. Chanelle was who I could’ve become if my heart had
gotten cold enough and if I didn’t have family to support me in hard times.
Urban Books: Are you currently working on a new novel? If so can you tell us a
little bit about it?
am, actually, but it’s not in the urban lit genre. I’m branching out into
writing for young adults—a paranormal romance novel. I’ll give more details
when everything is concrete. J
Urban Books: What kind of image would you like to establish in the literary
One as an author that puts out books readers are dying to get their hands on. Maybe
to even hit the New York Times bestsellers list like my favorite authors have.
Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Work hard, be ambitious, and write daily! Never give up and never stop trying
to perfect your craft. And NEVER forget to interact with and thank your fans,
they can make or break your career.
nice interview, good luck in your career Jai