Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
A Conversation with Jai'Nicole
There is a new wave of
authors coming ashore and their bringing with them to the new world a universe of
stories which are waiting to be told. These authors have a fresh voice and as I
watched them depart from the boat labeled “Fresh Pens” I noticed Jai’Nicole was
amongst the crowd. She had an aura which screamed stardom! So I grabbed my
notepad and pen and headed her way. “Hello Jai’Nicole, I am My Urban Books and
I would like to interview you,” with my pen touching my pad I anticipated her
answer. She then turned to me and said ………..
Urban Books: What
is your fondest memory as a child?

Urban Books: What
was your nick name growing up?
I actually never had one. LOL My real name (Jamie) was short and simple enough
that I never got that privilege.
Urban Books: You
discovered your talent for writing when you were assigned to write a short
story for school, what was your story about?
Nicole: My memory is a little fuzzy but I believe it was about
bears at a picnic. I was in the third grade and made the lead character my
favorite teddy bear at the time. LOL
Urban Books: At
one point you stopped writing for nearly ten years, during that time did
writing cross your mind? Did you miss it and yearn to dabble in it once again?
I felt that becoming an actual author would be nearly impossible—especially
after researching how “hard” it was to actually land a publishing deal, so I
had actually brushed the thought of becoming an author to the side. I still,
however, loved to read and as long as I could do that, I was happy. I didn’t
get the desire to start back writing again until I worked at Borders in 2008. I
wrote a bit during my pregnancy, but after my son was born, it was put on the backburner
again. Now at that time I really did miss writing and tried to write whenever I
got a spare moment, whether it is late at night or bringing a notebook to my
job during my lunch break.
Urban Books: Why
write urban fiction? Did you always aim to write in this genre?
What I first initially wanted to write was family saga/gothic horror like one
of my favorite authors, V.C. Andrews, but after I got my hands on ‘The Coldest
Winter Ever’ and ‘Flyy Girl’ I wanted to write in that genre. It interested me
because it was different from anything I ever read. It was so real and raw, and
while my life growing up was nothing close to comparable to those books, I had
friends and boyfriends that lived that way. I drew off their experiences and my
own imagination to create my books.
Urban Books: Do
you find yourself comparing your work to other authors?
No, not at all. I believe that we’re all talented in our own right and have
different writing styles and mindsets. I think that no author should ever
compare themselves to another. I think it does more harm than good.
Urban Books: When you received word back from Azarel pertaining to your
manuscript what was the first thought that ran through your mind?
my God! My dream is finally about to come true. My book is gonna be on
bookshelves and I’m actually gonna have fans! People outside of my close
friends will be reading what I write…” May sound corny, but that’s exactly what
I thought. I was so ecstatic.
Urban Books: In what ways has your life changed since signing with Life
Changing Books?
had the opportunity to work with some wonderful people and I feel a great sense
of accomplishment. More people are aware of my talent and it feels really good
to be recognized and congratulated. It has helped me see that writing is
something that I really want to make a permanent career out of.
Urban Books: How much of yourself did you put into Cashin Out?
There is a piece of me in every one of the characters—well, except for maybe
Rallo. LOL How I would react in certain situations or how I would feel if I was
put into a scenario… those are things derived from myself, but the book concept
itself is nowhere near anything I’ve experienced, save for the fact that I was
once in an abusive relationship like Chanelle and betrayed by men that I
thought loved me. I just amped it up a notch to create Cashin’ Out. Chanelle was who I could’ve become if my heart had
gotten cold enough and if I didn’t have family to support me in hard times.
Urban Books: Are you currently working on a new novel? If so can you tell us a
little bit about it?
am, actually, but it’s not in the urban lit genre. I’m branching out into
writing for young adults—a paranormal romance novel. I’ll give more details
when everything is concrete. J
Urban Books: What kind of image would you like to establish in the literary
One as an author that puts out books readers are dying to get their hands on. Maybe
to even hit the New York Times bestsellers list like my favorite authors have.
Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Work hard, be ambitious, and write daily! Never give up and never stop trying
to perfect your craft. And NEVER forget to interact with and thank your fans,
they can make or break your career.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Contest Time!!! Win a copy of Fly Betty by Treasure Bue.
Contest time!!! I am going to ask questions in reference to Treasure Blue's future release Fly Betty (the answers have been placed on Facebook for over a week). The first person to get all of the answers right will win a paperback copy of Fly Betty. KEEP IN MIND in order for you to enter this contest you must be a follower of this blog if you are not on the left side of the blog you can follow now. Good Luck!!!!!
1) What is the definition of a Fly Betty?
2) When does Fly Betty release?
3) What is Fly Betty's 5 Rules to any relationship?
4) What is the synopsis for Fly Betty?
5) What is Fly Betty's full name?
1) What is the definition of a Fly Betty?
2) When does Fly Betty release?
3) What is Fly Betty's 5 Rules to any relationship?
4) What is the synopsis for Fly Betty?
5) What is Fly Betty's full name?
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
A Conversation with Rahiem Brooks
Every author has a
story and every writer has their own writing style that will make the world
stop dead in their tracks. But the one major factor that is needed is for the
world to recognize this talent and learn the author’s name, so readers all
around the world I want to introduce you to Rahiem Brooks.
Brooks: Rahiem Brooks is an author, developmental editor,
typesetter, book reviewer, publishing consultant, prodigy, and ex-con.
Urban Books: As a child what did you constantly catch yourself day dreaming
Brooks: I was not a day dreamer. I was an avaricious
student and very eager to sponge knowledge. I don't dream now, I do.
Urban Books: Growing up what was the worst thing you’ve done and what did you
learn from it?
Brooks: The worse thing I've done was use my prodigious
talents to commit a crime. But now I write crime fiction; ergo, I've turned a
negative into a positive.
Urban Books: What was your most complicated obstacle pertaining to the writing
Brooks: I have not had many obstacles at all. I came in
prepared to head to the top and was patient and willing to get there.
Urban Books: What do you think is a reasonable price to sell an eBook for?
Brooks: I think each E-book has its own stock. I remember I
had one book and the price was set at $9.99 and I had one sale for two months.
That sale was on my own Kindle. Again, I study Amazon trends, pricing, and
rankings. That is a must for Amazon success. I don't have a specific opinion on
what a reasonable price is, I do know what I am willing to pay for them.
Urban Books: What are your thoughts on Facebook and Twitter being used as
marketing tool for authors?
Brooks: Facebook and Twitter are great marketing tools if
used effectively. By that I mean any author or business can send out a
multitude of blind ads, but I post every single thing on my page. It's personal
for me. My FB and Twitter friends are people that do not like a bunch of
commercials. I've watched some of the most successful authors and I have proven
that the authors that connect with people as humans and not marketing studies
win. I am very familiar with many of my FB friends that I've never met, but
they adore what I represent and they support me, promote me, and inform me
about events and book stores as my friend, not their advertiser.
Urban Books: Tell us a little about your first novels cover, what was your goal,
what do you hope it portrays?
Brooks: Laugh Now
my debut novel set the tone for my covers that are inspired by movie posters. I
like clean covers that will typically be seen in subway billboards. I'm lost
when I see covers with unreadable cursive text and a gazillion graphics. Less
is more to me. I study blockbuster authors to build my platform and career.
It's working.
Urban Books: Which of your novels is your most well thought out and best
written in your opinion?
Brooks: I would say that Murder in Germantown is my best
novel, because all of the different writing techniques that I learned from
writing seminars and classes was employed. However, Con Test is very intricate
like any great suspense thriller. Skipping a page or missing a plot point will
have you going backwards.
Urban Books: Are you working on anything at the moment? If so can you tell us a
little bit about it?
Brooks: I am working on the final installment of my Bezel
Brother series (Laugh Now & Die Later). Right now, the brain of the two is
in jail and DEA Agent McKenzey has escaped from federal prison and killed the
man that helped him. He's now on the loose and needs to be contained, or not.
I'm having fun with this one.
Urban Books: Would you ever ghost writer?
Brooks: I don't think I'd ghost write. Unless of course I
had a huge stake in the earnings.
Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Brooks: No author is
an island. I have the Triplets, a trio formed with Envy Red (Jaded), Kristofer
Clark (Second Thoughts), and myself. We came out near the same time and joined
forces. We share book fair prices. Toss ideas around. Share the loads I work by
proofreading, and plot building. We all have our own companies, but we are each
staff of each other's companies.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
A Conversation with D Hunter
There are new authors entering the writing game and one of
them goes by the name of D Hunter. With his newly released novel The Game of
Life entering the writing world readers have something new to put on their wish list. Ladies and gentleman make room, a new
author has entered.
Urban Books:
What was a fear of yours as a child?
Hunter: Growing
up and having to face responsibilities...It's all fun in the sun until you have
to step out and learn to survive on your own.
Urban Books:
Did you frequent the library growing up?
Hunter: No. I did
not learn to appreciate reading until I begin to realize the power that words
Urban Books:
Who was your favorite character growing
Hunter: Superman
hands down...
Urban Books:
What are your thoughts once it comes to
writing by hand? How often, if ever, do you write by hand?
Hunter: My
preference is a pen and pad...just really getting into computers and laptops.
Urban Books: Will your debut novel The Game of Life be a trilogy?
D.Hunter: Depends on how well this one does and if it receives
enough attention to warrant a part two or three.
Urban Books: Tell us a little about your main character.
D.Hunter: Treach...Treach is cold, murderous, and will
stop at nothing to have his way. He is a master manipulator of people and situations.
He is an idealist who has ambitions of getting ahead in life as we all do.
Urban Books: What are you currently working on, do you have a title and can you
tell us about it?
Hunter: Full
Blooded Good....Urban setting love story of the bad boy who gets the good girl
and introduces her to his world. My books all have a little mixture of
everything...I will be posting about it soon...it is currently in the editing
Urban Books: What confuses you most about the literary game?
Hunter: Nothing
really. I am dealing with the same type of people that I deal with in my
everyday life. Just learning the actual publishing business I would have to
Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Hunter: NEVER
GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
A Conversation With Kelvin Jackson
Not one novel you pick up will ever be the same that is a fact and is easy for me to say simply because no author you stumble upon is the same. The writing, the thoughts, the pen known as the paint brush and words known as the paint are birthed from individuals from different walks of life whose mission is to tell their stories in ways that were never told. Now meet an artist in urban fiction and learn about his journey, Kelvin Jackson.
Kelvin Jackson: According to others I’ve always had a way with words. I actually used to draw a lot of comics so creativity has always been around to some extent.
My Urban Books: When you were a teenager what were your thoughts on urban fiction?
Kelvin Jackson: I never read a book until I was 21 and incarcerated and that book was Whoreson by the legendary originator of urban fiction Donald Goines
My Urban Books: What made you use your real name and not a pen name?
Kelvin Jackson: I used my real name instead of a pen name due to all the negativity that was originally tied to it, I wanted my family especially my mother to see it connected to something somewhat prestigious and positive.
My Urban Books: Your titles are very original for example Look What You Made Me Do and I Won’t Tell Your Secrets, how did you come up with them?
Kelvin Jackson: Not that original, I won’t tell you secrets(Alicia keys) Look What you Made Me Do (a one liner from biggie and jay-z) As well as It was all a Dream (Biggie opening line in Juicy).
My Urban Books: When writing what is your goal?
Kelvin Jackson: When I write I try to paint pictures with words rather than tell a story. I also try in the best of my ability to add a lesson or touch a life with the spark to make one think wow…what if? Or...man I never thought about it like that. Just something that will make a reader comes back for more.
My Urban Books: Some of your books are $0.99 what made you go with that price?
Kelvin Jackson: The .99 cent price thing started as a way to generate interest and make people want to give my work a shot. This was also prior to the mass amount of groups that there is now where you could promote your work to generate interest.
My Urban Books: What novel are you currently working on? Do you have a name?
Kelvin Jackson: I am actually working on LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO 3 and I WON’T TELL YOUR SECRETS 3both set for early 2013 releases.
My Urban Books: Do you write what you want or what you believe the public will like?
Kelvin Jackson: I believe is a combination of both. I’m still learning my craft though and it’s always changing.
Kelvin Jackson: I believe is a combination of both. I’m still learning my craft though and it’s always changing.
My Urban Books: What do you believe is the most important thing authors should concentrate on when writing and publishing their work?
Kelvin Jackson: For me being an avid reader in my later years it has to be telling a good story. Content, content, content is my mantra. Get feedback from someone other than your yes people and be open to the criticism. In other words don’t go running in front of the bus.
My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Kelvin Jackson: I would tell an aspiring author to write, write, write! There is no longevity in this business if you are not willing to put in the necessary work.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
A Conversation with Brenda Stokes Lee
Stokes Lee: My style of writing can only be
classified as a shock and awe. My characters, story-lines and plots all have
one common goal and that is to make you feel something- anything! My books will
have you on an emotional roller coaster ride that will leave your jaw open and
your head spinning. You will laugh, cry, curse, scream and get angry when you
read one of my books. I don't write straight lace, boy meets girl and live
happily ever after romance. Life is messy, it doesn't matter if it's fiction or
nonfiction, no one has a perfect, flawless romance and certainly not in my
books. I'm a storyteller and my job is to tell the story even if it isn't
Need I saw more? This one answer alone by Brenda Stokes
Lee should tell you this interview is worth the read, Ladies and gentleman, a
conversation with Brenda Stokes Lee.
Stokes Lee: I was so self-conscience of my weight. I was
extraordinarily skinny. When I had my son I weighed 104 lbs. on my delivery
day. I have to laugh about it now, but when I was younger all I wanted was a
pair of boots that fit my legs. My legs were so skinny that they never filled
out the legs of my boots. When I wore boots my leg looked like a stem inside of
a bell. Needless to say, I don't have that problem anymore, age and laziness
took care of that.
My Urban Books:
As a child what were your feelings
towards books?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
My mother was an avid reader. She'd read at least two 700 page historical
romance novels a week. I developed my love for romance books from her. At the
age of twelve I'd sneak to my secret hiding spot (inside my closet) and read
her discarded romance novels for hours.
My Urban Books:
How would you describe your style of
Brenda Stokes Lee:
My style of writing can only be classified as a shock and awe. My characters,
story-lines and plots all have one common goal and that is to make you feel
something- anything! My books will have you on an emotional roller coaster ride
that will leave your jaw open and your head spinning. You will laugh, cry,
curse, scream and get angry when you read one of my books. I don't write
straight lace, boy meets girl and live happily ever after romance. Life is
messy, it doesn't matter if it's fiction or nonfiction, no one has a perfect,
flawless romance and certainly not in my books. I'm a storyteller and my job is
to tell the story even if it isn't pretty.
My Urban Books: Have you ever
written a street lit novel? If so tell us a little about it.
Brenda Stokes Lee:
Thus far, I have not written a street lit novel. However I plan to write a non-fiction
account (based on a true story) of a murder/mystery that would be classified as
street lit. I'm not sure when, because the storyline is quite heavy and I'm
enjoying the lighter side of writing right now.
My Urban Books:
What artist inspires you to write?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
Ernest Hemingway’s writing inspired me and allowed me to believe that I could
be a writer. My stories are 90% dialogue. Hemingway’s work taught me that you
can effectively tell a good story with the intricate use of strong dialogue.
My Urban Books: What was the worst
time for you to write but you still put pen to paper?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
I guess I have to say it was in the month of November 2012. That month I had
two, not one family incidents that shook me deeply. A cousin of mine was found
dead from Sleep Apnea in her apartment. She had been dead four days before they
found her decomposed body. Later that month two of my cousins were almost
murdered in a house that was sprayed with over 120 bullets. One cousin was
unharmed, while the other was shot in the leg. It was a miracle they were not
killed. Unfortunately, two of their very close friends died in that house that
night. As fate would have it I had a deadline to publish my last novel, Escape to Paris with Love, that was
closing in on me. Actually the writing was a welcome escape. It allowed me to
be able to move pass the tragedy and move on with life.
My Urban Books:
What future release can we look forward
to reading from you?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
I have a ton of stuff planned for 2013. My next novel will be available for
sale on 01.31.13. It's called Georgia on
My Mind. This is a standalone novel that centers around a BBB, Big, Bold
and Beautiful woman who finds an unexpected love at a low point in her life.
Just so you know, dreams come true for us Big Girls too! Then I will release my
final installment of The Naked Truth about
Love series. It will be called, Love
Never Fails and should drop in February 2013.
My Urban Books: During your writing
career what incident forced you to develop thick skin?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
I'm still a baby writer so my skin is still a little tender. I guess what has
challenged me to develop thicker skin is the surge of mean spirited authors who
like to trash books by writing fake reviews. I must say I was shocked that
people are so hateful, idiotic and mean. I'll admit that I'm an ice skater who
loves to skate up hill, so my books go against every rule of a conventional
romance novel. So what! I don't write conventional romance. Get over it! People
have different tastes and enjoy being entertained in different ways! Do what
works for you and leave me and mine alone! Trashing the work of others is
counterproductive. Work harder, step up your game, improve your craft, stretch
yourself to create a better product and you will find that you don't have time
to leave lame reviews on good books. The readers are too savvy to fall for that
nonsense anyway! Like I said, I'm still working on toughing my skin.
My Urban Books:
Out of all the characters you ever
created who is your favorite and why?
Brenda Stokes Lee:
I snickered when you asked me that question. I love all of my characters and
I'm not just saying it. Still, if I had to pick one then I'd have to say Teddy
Bear Davine from the Naked Truth about
Love series. Teddy Bear is a sexy, larger than life, charismatic, single
millionaire that lives life by his own terms. Yes, he's a whore-monger, but he
keeps it 100% real. He doesn't promise a woman anything except a real good
time. He treats them with respect and dignity and he doesn't play games. And
wow, does that man know how to bring the heat! If you don't know what I'm
talking about read the Pleasure Principle and you'll soon find out.
My Urban Books:
What is your motto concerning writing?
Stokes Lee: My motto is simple; I refuse to let the truth come between me and a
good story! The beauty of writing fiction is that you get to embellish the
details, fantasize, colorize the truth, stretch the imagination, create new
worlds and even create new words. I absolutely love it! I love writing as much
or more than an avid reader loves reading. Word of warning, don't tell me your
secrets because I will stretch it, mold it, color it and transform it into a
story you'd never recognize. I'm not a liar by nature, but when it comes to a
good story the truth is irrelevant!
My Urban Books:
What advice would you give aspiring
Brenda Stokes Lee:
The best advice that I can give an aspiring writer is to stop aspiring to write
and simply write. A good writer writes every day, so write. It doesn't really
matter what you write or how long you write, simply write. Fall in love with
words, romance them and learn to caress them as they flow to your page. The
best way to do this is to read. Read the classics, read the best and read from
a dictionary and a thesaurus every now and then.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A Conversation with Darrell King
Are you where you want to be? Five years ago did you
set a goal for yourself and if so did you achieve it by the skin of your teeth
or surpassed it beyond believe? Who where you before you accomplished your
goals and who are you now? Who was Darrell King then and who is he now? Well wonder no more, ladies and gentlemen I
introduce to you Darrell King.
Urban Books: Growing up have you read novels by
Iceberg Slim or Donald Goines? If so how old were you and how were you
introduced to the reads?
King: Yes... I've read novels by both Donald Goines,
& Iceberg Slim. I was introduced to these classic novels by a relative
who'd himself been an avid reader of these authors while incarcerated.
Urban Books: Tell us a little bit about your
literary career, what are some ups and downs that you’ve encountered?
King: Well I’ve been writing since age 8, however
professionally since 2004. I've experienced many obstacles from major
publishing houses as well as rejection from even notable authors in my field as
well. However this is to be expected and you get to use these experiences to
become successful
Urban Books: What authors are on your book shelve?
I enjoy hard novels such as those by Clive Barker and the classics by Bram
Stoker and Mary Shelley also Edgar Allan Poe. As far as street fiction is concern
I of course enjoy K’wan, Terri Woods, T Styles and many others. I love the
realistic writing style of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Chester Himes. But my all-time
favorite reads are graphic novels Marvel Comics and DC Comics fill my library
more than any other type of literature.
Urban Books: Once it comes to urban fiction novels
what kind of things on covers would you say is a hit and a miss?
King: Well I believe that urban fiction novels have some
of the most graphically interesting and pleasing covers. Readers enjoy seeing
attractive men and women on the covers as well as high end vehicles or images
of wealth, these covers are always very successful in the marketplace, however
stay clear of images of weapons such as hand guns or knives or those that are
too sexually graphic. The "big box" sellers (Wal-Mart/Target), and
major booksellers such as Barnes and Nobles will certainly not carry novels
with those types of covers.
Urban Books: What will be your next release? Can you
tell us the title and the synopsis?
King: My next release will be this coming spring it will
be a sequel to my novel "How do you want it: "The story of Southeast
Trina". 10 to tentatively entitled "The Return of Trina" this
table covers the Washington DC drug diva's continued violent rise as well as
her daughter's entrance into her illicit drug trade.
Urban Books: Would you really want someone to tell
you their thoughts about your novels even if it’s not good?
King: In this game you have to have thick skin not every
reader is going to like your writing, if you're a professional author you will
get reviews of all types both good, bad and indifferent. If you cannot deal
with it then you certainly are not equipped to be a professional author. I
appreciate all the views of my readers and from those that are critical I look
at it as constructive.
Urban Books: What was the first sentence you ever
King: Wow lol I'd have to go way back to remember my very
first sentence as a writer probably something out of a Spider Man comic or
Batman. I'd use to draw and write my very own comics at age five or six on
anything my crayon filled hands could find sometimes even the wall in which my
grandparents didn’t find so cute.
Urban Books: Have you achieved the goals you set out
for yourself five years ago?
King: I have to say yes, I have published five books and
I'm working now on my sixth book with my very own publishing company, I feel
very blessed.
Urban Books: What is the easiest thing about writing?
King: I'd have to
say getting lost in the moment or getting into the zone. Once you get into the
zone as a writer you get lost in your own imaginative world and your characters
come to life once you breathe life into their actual experiences.
Urban Books: Is there anyone close to you who is not
a fan of one of your novels?
King: Yes, My old high school teacher. She feels as
though street/urban literature is too graphically violent & sexually
demeaning to women in general & women in color in particular.
Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring
King: Study your craft thoroughly, dismiss the haters (because
you're going to experience many), and have lots of fun doing what you love
doing! ONE!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The Prada Plan 3 by Ashley Antoinette Review
When I read Prada Plan one I was instantly hooked,
that novel gave me everything a reader could ask for and them some and when
part two dropped it delivered twice as hard and had me dying for part three. I was
lucky to get an early copy of Prada Plan 3: The Green Eyed Monster by Ashley Antoinette and when I
did I sunk my eyes right into it. Prada Plan 3 is unlike part one and two in
the since where there is not constant surprises and twist at every turn, but
instead I would like to describe this novel as a game of chess. A novel where
you have to sit back and take in everything that is given to you and unravel
the puzzle Mrs. Antoinette-Coleman is giving to you.
As a
reader/author I like to read between the lines and pay attention to what the
author is and is not directly saying. It is defiantly obvious Ashley gave this
novel much thought because she took your everyday drug dealers and placed them
on a different level many could have never thought phantomed. I have an idea that
every reader out there is assuming part 3 will go in one direction but Ashley
takes you on an entirely different path leading you to wonder one thing
"what the heck is going to happen?" you think you know but you have
no idea. We all love YaYa but in this novel you will begin to despise her and
even question who she really is. A story is more than entertainment and putting
pen to paper, it is a game of chess and a puzzle that the reader must piece
together without bending or forcing a piece in place. Prada Plan 3 takes you
into the mind of an author who thinks as such, an author, and gives readers
what they are missing, a non-predictable, out of the box, opposite read that
not even you seen coming.
since I put pen to paper and written my first novel I can no longer read a
novel as just a reader, my writer instincts come alive and I judge work by
looking deeper into it. So as an author I must say that Ashley shocked me and
taught me new tricks in the game of writing, Prada Plan 3 taught to me to write
the unexpected and read like there’s no tomorrow. And as a reader she mixed
anger within me for the man character that I didn't see coming and taught me that everything is not how they seem. If you
appreciate good literature and something out of the norm pick up The Prada Plan
3: The Green Eyed Monster you will not be disappointed.
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