Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Monday, November 29, 2021
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
A Conversation With Devin Shane
To write is to read, and to read is to write. The two are colleagues, Siamese twins if you may. Whom if separated can result in drastic results. Since childhood author Devin Shane took to reading and never let go of the habit which blossoming into the necessary tools needed to write and release work of substance. There’s a story to be told and she’s telling it.
My Urban Books: Did books hold a place in your childhood?
Devin Shane: Of course! That’s where my great love affair with writing began.
My Urban Books: Is there a childhood book that remains with you today? What’s the title and why do you still have it?
Devin Shane: Yes, the book is called Black Girl Lost by Donald Goines. I’ve been reading him since I was 12. Although it wasn’t the first book that I read by him, it had the most impact on how I view the writing world.
My Urban Books: Why do you write?
My Urban Books: Has being a writer cause you to read books differently? If so, how?
Devin Shane: Yes, it has caused me to read books differently. Because I understand that my voice in writing needs to be clear and distinctive, so that my readers can truly understand where I’m coming from.
My Urban Books: What writing techniques have you adapted from reading?
Devin Shane: Just one; since vernacular ranges from region to region, I try to add an urban glossary into my stories so everyone can understand what I’m saying no matter where they’re from.
My Urban Books: Do you prefer to write in first or third person and why?
My Urban Books: Within your work, have you ever included a personal secret of yours?
Devin Shane: Yes, Misfits, my novel is loosely based on my life, but it’s mostly fiction.
My Urban Books: What emotions did you feel upon completion of your first novel?
Devin Shane: I was elated! It was like giving birth, stressful, agonizing, but the end result was beauty. I hope my readers feel that way too.
My Urban Books: Please give aspiring authors one piece of advice.
Devin Shane: For the love of God, please edit! Readers want your work to flow like a good song or movie. I know it may be expensive, but immersive reader in view works wonders.
My Urban Books: Please tell readers where they can find your work.
Devin Shane: Right now, you can find Misfits: Children of the Wild on Amazon.com, but look out for Devin Shane’s website coming soon!
Monday, October 25, 2021
The Streets Keep Pulling Me Back by Brittani Williams
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Friday, October 15, 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
A Conversation with Aaliyah Choyce
Life is the best possible inspiration for all artist to latch on to and create worlds run wild by the minds whose choice of tools involves either the pen, paintbrush, lump of clay, or spray paint. It plants seeds that grows and hugs the earth for eternity. Growth in a person are guided by past novels and helps that person in becoming the mastermind of storytelling, the new generation of authors which includes Aaliyah Choyce.
1) My Urban Books: As a child, what was your favorite book and why?
Aaliyah: Wow! That's a tough one. I've always been an avid reader. I was a reader long before I was a writer. Reading was my solace. Dealing with social anxiety, I often used it to escape my reality. The characters became the friends I couldn't make in the real world, so there's several books that are easily childhood favorites: "Amelia Bedelia," any "Harry Potter," "Chronicles of Narnia," and numerous folk stories like "Anasi the Spider." As a teen, I loved the Jericho trilogy by Sharon M. Draper and "The Skin I'm In" by Sharon G. Flake has always stuck with me.
2) My Urban Books: What is the earliest memory you have about writing?
Aaliyah: Handmaking magazines in the first grade. I started selling them in the second and third grade to friends at school. I've always been a hustler in that way. I get it from my Momma [smiles]. They weren't anything special. Terrible illustrations. Bad handwriting. I'm not even sure I had much of anything to say other than reiterating things going on at elementary school. But that's where it started. And people bought them with their lunch money for cents. Not sure why I remember that. I guess I felt seen.

Aaliyah: I think the most important sacrifice I've made for this is my time. Dedicating time to your craft is a big commitment. I want to be better. I want to get better every time I write. Being a full time student and working full time, finding time is hard. I didn't get that when I started, hence the hiatus after my first novel, but I've been working on it.
4)My Urban Books: Was there anything you underestimated about writing? if so, what made you see things differently?
Aaliyah: I underestimated plenty of things. Haha. I started writing in the first grade. The only thing I knew about writing was to pick up a writing tool and just do it. It's not that simple. Writing my first adult novel with the intent of publishing really opened my eyes to how important the quality of your writing is. Do you stay true to the authenticity of the characters and their stories? Does your tone match what's happening? It's not just writing; it's creating an experience for the reader. It's giving them your best every time you put something out.
5) My Urban Books: Who’s your inspiration?
Aaliyah: Black people. I feel like nothing more needs to be said, but to make it clear: Black people are not a monolith. We're beautiful in all ways. Our resilience, our style, our intellect, our mindset, our history, our futures. I can't help but to be inspired by us. We're inspirational.
6) My Urban Books: Why do you write in the genre you write?
Aaliyah: I was 16 years old when I started my debut novel "Ride." I had stolen my mom's adult urban fiction novels for reading material for years at that point. I had read everything else in the house and my school's library. I decided I wanted to see if I could give it a try. I felt that I could relate the most given my upbringing. Life happened and I grew up faster than some, so I outgrew the childlike stories. I figured maybe I could even bring something new to the table.
7) My Urban Books: What’s harder for you to write, a novel or synopsis?
Aaliyah: Definitely a synopsis! I think when writing a novel, you have space to say everything you need to say. However, a synopsis is a snapshot of your novel. It has to capture the best parts without giving away too much of the storylines. That's a lot of pressure, but I love the challenge.
8) My Urban Books: What about being an author is glamorous in your opinion?
Aaliyah: Glamorous [thinking]. I don't know if I've ever thought of being an author as glamorous. I started in poetry as a way to express my deepest thoughts and feelings. Then I began to write to tell the stories of others and inspire people to think on the tough matters in life. If I had to attribute anything to "glamour," I'd say the glamorous aspect of being an author is the perspectives your writing can give to others. If something I write can transform the mindset of just one of my readers, then I feel accomplished.
9)My Urban Books: Please give aspiring authors one piece of advice.
Aaliyah: Write with intention. I think when you're passionate about what you're writing and have a plan for it, you're more driven to see it through and your intention comes through to make an impact.
10) My Urban Books: Please tell readers where they can find your work.
Aaliyah: You can find my work on Amazon. My freshman and Sophmore releases are there in paperback and ebook. I'm gearing up for the release of the sequel to my freshman novel, so be on the lookout for that January 2022.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Saturday, October 2, 2021
My Experience with Editor Bianca Shakur
✍My experience using editor Bianca Shakur for the first time✍:
So I was in need of a copyeditor for my novella. I've known of Bianca for a little time however never used her as an editor before (I learned about her in this group) so for this project I thought to reach out to her. I am loyal with whomever I do business with but when it comes to editors a majority of the time I use more then one for the same project for different purposes. Also the editors I use and know of are good so they're all booked and busy if you don't book them early so it's good to know of others you know and trust just in case. So the project I was working on took me longer to finish then expected. I'm signed with a publisher and my deadline was approaching so I had to make moves fast.
I check out Bianca's website and was happy with what I seen. "OK professional and I can tell she has experience." And it didn't hurt that Cyn Alexander , another editor co-signed her (that's what I'm talking about editors repping and supporting fellow editors!) Cyn informs me Bianca mainly does business through her website so I send a message through there and FB (like I said time was winding down). BOOM! Bianca hits me back within a good time frame tells me her prices which I find very affordable considering the women edits for NY Times Best Seller Authors. I informed her of my tight time frame, scared, bc when I was time was tight, time was tight. But she came through! And hit me with the rush service. Now let me explain something how much the total was including the rush service was what I imagined the edit alone to cost so I was still not tripping.
Fast-forward, contract is sent out, to wish I requested she add something and she did ASAP without no problem. Now let's get to business I get my extra back annnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd, I'll list below my experience.⬇️
1) She has a great eye! Honestly the notes supplied I felt where along the lines of developmental editing which is great!
2) She supplied a sheet with a nice header (the headers pretty I have to mention it lol). The sheet consisted of her notes and suggestions. Straight to the poiny however detailed and well explained.
3) As a person she has a personality. Very professional, but knows how to communicate where you feel comfortable and don't feel you have to be uptight.
4) Her availability to help even when your project is complete is great! Here I am at 1am finished with my edits and my computer tracking was given me issues. Remind you THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HER. HER JOB IS DONE. But I'm freaking out, I need help, this manuscript is scheduled to go to my proofreader so I email her asking if she can help and she writes back ASAP. She put in work and tried different methods of helping Mr. We were on the phone and everything and even found a way to fix the issue.
I am VERY happy with her service, professionalism, and personality. Each of these traits are important when doing business with someone and Bianca has it! I recommend her below is her website ⬇️
Friday, October 1, 2021
A Conversation With Author Latisha
real estate field for close to fifteen years, off and on.
Monday, September 27, 2021
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Addicted With a Twist by Zane (The Short Sequel to Addicted)
Thursday, September 9, 2021
COUPLES WANTED By Briana Cole 11/30/21
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Monday, September 6, 2021
Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen by Inger Burnett-Zeigler
Thursday, September 2, 2021
The Other Black Girl by Zakiya Dalila Harris
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Single Black Woman by Tracy Brown Coming 11.2.21
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
The Shortest Boss in the Room
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"I wish I had The Shortest Boss in the Room to read when I was younger. It's informative, empowering, and great insight into entrepreneurship, especially for kids with big goals and dreams. Zanaiah is proof that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to, as long as we work hard and never give up." --Shanora Williams, New York Times bestselling author
Who needs fairy dust when the REAL magic sparks from within?
There was no denying it. Zaria Carter was born to be a boss! After a spa day treat from dad, Zaria later rejoins her mother, Queen, in binge-watching Shark Tank episodes. Later that night, Zaria becomes a contestant on Shark Tank Junior. Now, all she must do is convince the Sharks of her boss magic! During her pitch for iZight, Zaria is interrupted by her four-legged pup, Zaddy. She wakes up and realizes it was all a dream—or was it? With her vision ingeniously clear, the nine-year-old is determined to build her own empire. When she secretly test-runs a marketing campaign, it goes viral before her product is ready. With her new business at stake, brewing friendship drama, and having to answer to the Queen after breaking an internet rule, will Zaria make the right choices and lead like a boss when it really counts?
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Th Double Cross 2 by Anna J
Life after losing a loved one can be hard, especially if you're the reason why they are no longer here. These are the times that you are supposed to lean on your friends the most. Selah is about to learn a hard lesson that she may not be ready for. Will her ride or die chicks ride with her again, or will this be the end of the trio? Feelings will be hurt, and the things they've done in the dark will come back to haunt them, whether or not they're prepared. Nowadays, you have to be careful who you call a friend.