Every author has a
story to tell and in this tale they take
front and center and are no longer out staged by fictional characters. Authors
are characters themselves and when they sit down with My Urban Books they put
down the pen and tell us their story. So we pushed the books aside and opened
up the book of life. Ladies and gentlemen this is the story of N’Tyse.
My Urban Books: Tell us
about your childhood, who was N’Tyse the child?
N’Tyse: I won’t tell
you about the bratty little N’Tyse or else we’d be here for days, LOL! I was
quite inquisitive, a prankster, and loved trying new things. I’m the oldest of
four so I always felt like I was the boss. I was a natural born entrepreneur and
everyone in my family would attest to this. When I was six years old I started
my own business selling art. That’s right, ART. I would sell the beautiful
carefully colored pages in my coloring book from anywhere from .25 cents to
$1.00. It just depended on the value of my design. I would go door to door
showcasing my fine art. I even brought on sales reps to help me out. My little
sister and brothers. I was trying to keep the business in the family. Business
was going so well until I let one of my customers have my entire new collection
on credit. She promised she would pay me when she got her check that Friday.
Long story short, when she came to my house to bring me my money, my mama
answered the door. She told my mom she owed me for my coloring pages. It was
like $20. I thought I was rich. Well, my mama put an end to it right then. She
didn’t like me going door to door like that. Needless to say, I quit that gig
and started a candy house. (100% TRUE STORY).
My Urban Books: Take us
back to the day when your name N’Tyse was created. Who was there? And how long
did it take for the name to stick?
N’Tyse: I was all alone
when I came up with my name. I wanted something sexy and something that had a
nice ring to it. I kept repeating that thought…sexy...nice ring to it. And then
entice hit me. I didn’t want to spell it the traditional way so I started playing
around with the letters N’TYSE. It looked more like a brand when I spelled it
that way. It was unique and it looked official. In fact, I was the only one
that had my name and was spelling it like this when I created it. I wasn’t
really worried about anyone having a hard time pronouncing it, but I was
worried that they would forget how to spell it. That’s when I made it an
acronym. Never Tell Your SEcrets. I was sure we’ve all heard that before. So
now I had a sexy memorable name, with a real message intertwined in it.
My Urban Books: What 3 events in your life
shaped who you are today? And why does those
three stands out the most?
N’Tyse: 1)Marrying my
husband 2. Suffering several miscarriages 3. The birth of my daughter.
My Urban Books: After
doing some research I have learned that you have a sock fetish, has that fetish
ever been included in one of your novels?
N’Tyse: It hasn’t yet,
but I’m sure it will.
My Urban Books: What
are your thoughts about the novel Fifty Shades of Grey? Do you think it took
erotica to new heights or would you say it’s no different from any other erotic
N’Tyse: I haven’t read
it but I have friends that have. I personally don’t believe it took or will
ever take erotica to new heights, because from what I’m told, it’s all fantasy
and profoundly unrealistic. However, I do think it helped spark great
discussion and curiosity about erotica and the BDSM lifestyle. But if you
really want to be taken to new heights, you should check out Zane and some of the
erotica authors on her imprint.
My Urban Books:What can
you not live without?
N’Tyse: My family.
My Urban Books: If you
had one wish, what would it be?
N’Tyse: For everyone to
be healed of sickness.
My Urban Books: What is
the most important thing you learned about the literary world?
N’Tyse: You have to
have thick skin.
My Urban Books: What
don’t you speak about on interviews and on the social media?
N’Tyse: I’m pretty open
but I guess if it becomes too personal I will cut it off or avoid the question
My Urban Books: Can you
tell us a little about your future release, Twisted Vows of Seduction. How does
this novel differ from your past books?
N’Tyse: Twisted Vows is
the second installment in my Twisted series. As you may already know, part one,
Twisted Seduction, is about a woman named Denise who orchestrated her husband’s
affair, and Twisted Vows of Seduction is the aftermath of all the drama that
transpired. Everyone’s past catches up to them and a new character, Naomi
Brooks, is introduced to twist things up even more. She’s trying to compete
with her fiance’s former lover, only the woman is deceased. Every book in this
series is actually different from anything I’ve ever written. I’m dealing with
a lot more psychological issues and I’m also writing from several male
perspectives. With each book the characters become more complex, making them my
favorite all-star cast.
My Urban Books: What
novel would you say is the greatest of all time?
N’Tyse: The Coldest
Winter Ever by Sister Souljah.
My Urban Books: What
advice would you give aspiring authors?
N’Tyse: Do as much
research as you can on this industry and always be prepared to invest in
yourself if no one else will. You’re worth it!
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Twisted Vows of Seduction releases nationwide 12/10. Pre-Order your copy today. |