Understanding your
target audience has a big say so in whether or not you will succeed at being an
author. It helps to sit down and listen to what readers has to say from time to
time. So this week My Urban Books sat
down with avid reader Rita King and asked her questions pertaining to the
literary world. Be prepared to take notes authors, because this week’s reader
of the week tells all.

Urban Books: Who is Rita?
King: Rita, who by the way is Cherita Smith -King, is a sexy,
strong-willed, loving, fun, supporter, well-wisher, confident, God fearing
woman and wife, mother of two. A cosmetologist and confidante friend to few but
still an acquaintance to others. I enjoy whipping up hair, cooking, eating, shopping
for gadgets, going to book signings, entertaining, and I love NFL and
getaways!!! Who's Rita?? This is me!!!!!
Urban Books: What genres do you read? Which is you
favorite and why?
King: I enjoy
reading urban lit, epic contemporary & fantasy, erotica, crime, and comedy!
For me it’s a tie between urban lit & crime because it the excitement of the
plot that has me enthralled.
Urban Books: Approximately how many books do you
read in a week?
King: It usually is 3-4 books a week depending on length
and my schedule.
Urban Books: What are your reading pet peeves?
King: NO EDITING and TYPESETTING, and using the same
models and poses from other peoples work!!! Ugh.
Urban Books: Besides a novel having a good storyline
what else must it have in order for you to pick it up?
King: It has to have great eye-popping, originality with the cover designs
and graphics that say "Open me!!!” length and the texture of the paper.
Urban Books: Are you team paperback or team ebook?
King: I am definitely team paperback but because of the literary times and limited
area of the African American section in bookstores in my area (WDC) I seem to
have been buying more ebooks.
Urban Books: Have you ever written anything?
King: LOL actually I was 8 when I wrote it and the name
was The Bird Which Lost His Song! It
was based on my young life with me singing, in the church choir, but as a bird
who lost my voice in the park. My name was in pig Latin, Iritache!!
Urban Books: The social media, do you think it
helps, or harms authors?
King: Both!!! Pro: it can get your name out there
but...Con: if you depend on social media to promote for you then you will never
get established in the literary world because we won't know who you really are.
That's pimping us for you!
Urban Books: How long is to long for an author to
release a sequel to a book?
King: 12 months and more. Personally I can forget the
storyline whether good or not and have to waste time rereading the last novel.
Urban Books: What advice would you like to give
King: My first advice would be to take pleasure in your
books. These are your babies, a replica of you. It should be a story in which
you want to read yourselves. Secondly, take pride in your work by editing,
typesetting and communicating with your readers either by personal appearances,
email or social media.