Friday, December 6, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
A Conversation With N'Tyse
Every author has a
story to tell and in this tale they take
front and center and are no longer out staged by fictional characters. Authors
are characters themselves and when they sit down with My Urban Books they put
down the pen and tell us their story. So we pushed the books aside and opened
up the book of life. Ladies and gentlemen this is the story of N’Tyse.
My Urban Books: Tell us
about your childhood, who was N’Tyse the child?
N’Tyse: I won’t tell
you about the bratty little N’Tyse or else we’d be here for days, LOL! I was
quite inquisitive, a prankster, and loved trying new things. I’m the oldest of
four so I always felt like I was the boss. I was a natural born entrepreneur and
everyone in my family would attest to this. When I was six years old I started
my own business selling art. That’s right, ART. I would sell the beautiful
carefully colored pages in my coloring book from anywhere from .25 cents to
$1.00. It just depended on the value of my design. I would go door to door
showcasing my fine art. I even brought on sales reps to help me out. My little
sister and brothers. I was trying to keep the business in the family. Business
was going so well until I let one of my customers have my entire new collection
on credit. She promised she would pay me when she got her check that Friday.
Long story short, when she came to my house to bring me my money, my mama
answered the door. She told my mom she owed me for my coloring pages. It was
like $20. I thought I was rich. Well, my mama put an end to it right then. She
didn’t like me going door to door like that. Needless to say, I quit that gig
and started a candy house. (100% TRUE STORY).
My Urban Books: Take us
back to the day when your name N’Tyse was created. Who was there? And how long
did it take for the name to stick?
N’Tyse: I was all alone
when I came up with my name. I wanted something sexy and something that had a
nice ring to it. I kept repeating that thought…sexy...nice ring to it. And then
entice hit me. I didn’t want to spell it the traditional way so I started playing
around with the letters N’TYSE. It looked more like a brand when I spelled it
that way. It was unique and it looked official. In fact, I was the only one
that had my name and was spelling it like this when I created it. I wasn’t
really worried about anyone having a hard time pronouncing it, but I was
worried that they would forget how to spell it. That’s when I made it an
acronym. Never Tell Your SEcrets. I was sure we’ve all heard that before. So
now I had a sexy memorable name, with a real message intertwined in it.
My Urban Books: What 3 events in your life
shaped who you are today? And why does those
three stands out the most?
N’Tyse: 1)Marrying my
husband 2. Suffering several miscarriages 3. The birth of my daughter.
My Urban Books: After
doing some research I have learned that you have a sock fetish, has that fetish
ever been included in one of your novels?
N’Tyse: It hasn’t yet,
but I’m sure it will.
My Urban Books: What
are your thoughts about the novel Fifty Shades of Grey? Do you think it took
erotica to new heights or would you say it’s no different from any other erotic
N’Tyse: I haven’t read
it but I have friends that have. I personally don’t believe it took or will
ever take erotica to new heights, because from what I’m told, it’s all fantasy
and profoundly unrealistic. However, I do think it helped spark great
discussion and curiosity about erotica and the BDSM lifestyle. But if you
really want to be taken to new heights, you should check out Zane and some of the
erotica authors on her imprint.
My Urban Books:What can
you not live without?
N’Tyse: My family.
My Urban Books: If you
had one wish, what would it be?
N’Tyse: For everyone to
be healed of sickness.
My Urban Books: What is
the most important thing you learned about the literary world?
N’Tyse: You have to
have thick skin.
My Urban Books: What
don’t you speak about on interviews and on the social media?
N’Tyse: I’m pretty open
but I guess if it becomes too personal I will cut it off or avoid the question
My Urban Books: Can you
tell us a little about your future release, Twisted Vows of Seduction. How does
this novel differ from your past books?
N’Tyse: Twisted Vows is
the second installment in my Twisted series. As you may already know, part one,
Twisted Seduction, is about a woman named Denise who orchestrated her husband’s
affair, and Twisted Vows of Seduction is the aftermath of all the drama that
transpired. Everyone’s past catches up to them and a new character, Naomi
Brooks, is introduced to twist things up even more. She’s trying to compete
with her fiance’s former lover, only the woman is deceased. Every book in this
series is actually different from anything I’ve ever written. I’m dealing with
a lot more psychological issues and I’m also writing from several male
perspectives. With each book the characters become more complex, making them my
favorite all-star cast.
My Urban Books: What
novel would you say is the greatest of all time?
N’Tyse: The Coldest
Winter Ever by Sister Souljah.
My Urban Books: What
advice would you give aspiring authors?
N’Tyse: Do as much
research as you can on this industry and always be prepared to invest in
yourself if no one else will. You’re worth it!
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Twisted Vows of Seduction releases nationwide 12/10. Pre-Order your copy today. |
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Reader Of The Week Rita King
Understanding your
target audience has a big say so in whether or not you will succeed at being an
author. It helps to sit down and listen to what readers has to say from time to
time. So this week My Urban Books sat
down with avid reader Rita King and asked her questions pertaining to the
literary world. Be prepared to take notes authors, because this week’s reader
of the week tells all.

Urban Books: Who is Rita?
King: Rita, who by the way is Cherita Smith -King, is a sexy,
strong-willed, loving, fun, supporter, well-wisher, confident, God fearing
woman and wife, mother of two. A cosmetologist and confidante friend to few but
still an acquaintance to others. I enjoy whipping up hair, cooking, eating, shopping
for gadgets, going to book signings, entertaining, and I love NFL and
getaways!!! Who's Rita?? This is me!!!!!
Urban Books: What genres do you read? Which is you
favorite and why?
King: I enjoy
reading urban lit, epic contemporary & fantasy, erotica, crime, and comedy!
For me it’s a tie between urban lit & crime because it the excitement of the
plot that has me enthralled.
Urban Books: Approximately how many books do you
read in a week?
King: It usually is 3-4 books a week depending on length
and my schedule.
Urban Books: What are your reading pet peeves?
King: NO EDITING and TYPESETTING, and using the same
models and poses from other peoples work!!! Ugh.
Urban Books: Besides a novel having a good storyline
what else must it have in order for you to pick it up?
King: It has to have great eye-popping, originality with the cover designs
and graphics that say "Open me!!!” length and the texture of the paper.
Urban Books: Are you team paperback or team ebook?
King: I am definitely team paperback but because of the literary times and limited
area of the African American section in bookstores in my area (WDC) I seem to
have been buying more ebooks.
Urban Books: Have you ever written anything?
King: LOL actually I was 8 when I wrote it and the name
was The Bird Which Lost His Song! It
was based on my young life with me singing, in the church choir, but as a bird
who lost my voice in the park. My name was in pig Latin, Iritache!!
Urban Books: The social media, do you think it
helps, or harms authors?
King: Both!!! Pro: it can get your name out there
but...Con: if you depend on social media to promote for you then you will never
get established in the literary world because we won't know who you really are.
That's pimping us for you!
Urban Books: How long is to long for an author to
release a sequel to a book?
King: 12 months and more. Personally I can forget the
storyline whether good or not and have to waste time rereading the last novel.
Urban Books: What advice would you like to give
King: My first advice would be to take pleasure in your
books. These are your babies, a replica of you. It should be a story in which
you want to read yourselves. Secondly, take pride in your work by editing,
typesetting and communicating with your readers either by personal appearances,
email or social media.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
It Ain't Easy Being Jazzy by Quanie Miller
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Jazzy secretly wants to get back together with her ex boyfriend, Curtis, so when he calls and reveals that he’s got something important to tell her, she’s got no idea that he’s about to propose—to her first cousin and bitter rival, Mercedes.
The annual family dinner is coming up, and fearing that she will spend the evening seething while Mercedes flaunts her four carat engagement ring in her face, Jazzy asks Reggie, an Adonis she met at the mall, to accompany her. As fate would have it, not only did Reggie and Mercedes used to date; that backstabbing, leopard print wearing cow is still carrying a torch for him! Revenge. It’s never been so sweet.
But falling for Reggie? Holy crap! That wasn’t part of the plan! She’s got enough on her plate as it is with a mother who spies on the neighbors and a sister and best friend with man problems that could land them on Jerry Springer. So when Curtis comes sniffing around again—this time, with an accusation that sends her blood pressure shooting through the roof—the one good nerve that Jazzy’s got left has just about run its course.
Quanie Miller grew up in New Iberia, Louisiana. She fell in love with reading at an early age and spent most of her time at the Iberia Parish Library discovering new authors like R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike (she was often found walking back home from the library with a stack of books that went up to her chin). She holds degrees from Louisiana State University and San Jose State University. She has been the recipient of the James Phelan Literary Award, the Louis King Thore Scholarship, the BEA Student Scriptwriting Award, and the Vicki Hudson Emerging Writing Prize. She loves writing humorous stories about strong willed, sassy women who can’t keep themselves out of trouble. She lives in Charleston, South Carolina with her husband and is currently, as always, working on another novel. To find out more about Quanie and her works in progress visit
Monday, October 14, 2013
A Secret Worth Keeping by Lakisha Johnson
Friday, September 20, 2013
Trust No Bitch 2 by Cash and NeNe Capri
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10/18/2013 |
Sneak Peek
Kiam looked at his young boy and spoke decisively. "We're going up in here to make shit right, but we're not bowing down to this nigga. If he don't have no understanding let your banger do the talking. If shit get hot we either come outta there together or we die side by side. There is no compromise to that," he inst...ructed.
JuJu nodded his head and clicked one in the chamber of his Desert Eagle. From this point on it was do or die. If Riz was on some gorilla shit he was gonna make that nigga the top story on the ten o'clock news. "I'm ready fam. Let's go see what it do," he said and they got out of the car at the same time.
Kiam had his heat on his waist and a small duffle bag slung across his good shoulder. JuJu followed him inside the building with his jaw set and his mind on creating chalk lines. He took in everything as they climbed the stairs to the sixth floor.
Bones opened the door and let them in. He had a mug on his face like something stupid was on his mental. Kiam looked him in the eye communicating that death was right around the corner if he was intent on having it pay him a visit. JuJu's grimace punctuated that message, but Bones wasn't shook. He had more than a dozen bodies on his street resume and the thought of adding two more made his nuts swell.
None of the men spoke to each other. JuJu kept his eyes on Bones as he closed the door behind them. Kiam's gaze immediately honed in on Riz who was seated on the couch with his two Rottweilers at his feet. His short dreads were neatly trimmed today and the army fatigues that he wore were starched and creased. Nothing about his appearance was cruddy but his eyes; they were two black orbs that resembled the darkness that came before death.
With four killahs in one small room and a breadth of animosity between them the tension immediately thickened.
Both canines rose and bared their teeth, letting out low growls. Kiam didn't flinch, he was gonna turn them into black and brown throw rugs the minute they pounced.
"Sit," ordered Riz without breaking the eye lock that he held on Kiam.
The well-trained dogs obeyed their master's command while continuing to watch Kiam. The dog’s keen sense of smell picked up the heavy scent of danger that emitted from his pores.
Riz sized Kiam up. The reports that he'd gotten back from Cleveland confirmed what his first impressions had been. The man that stood before him personified officialness but that didn't excuse what had happened.
Kiam dropped the duffel bag at Riz's feet. It landed with a thud. "I'm a man of honor," he said. "I would never betray the people that vouched for me nor would I dirty my name. A man's word is worth much more than money. That's every dollar that you lost in our last transaction. I hope that brings peace between us but if not, it's your move."
Riz duly noted Kiam's audacity; he had no choice but to respect the nigga's gangsta. Here he was with one arm in a sling, up in BK, in the crib of one of the most ruthless men in the city, letting his nuts hang to the floor.
Riz cleared his throat. Seconds later four cold-hearted assassins came out of the back wearing menacing frowns and holding assault rifles. They posted up around the room covering all sides and stood prepared to let their weapons bark at Riz's command.
Kiam eyes scanned the room, the odds were seriously against him but that was the story of his life. He had never been one to fold against a stacked deck and that wasn't about to change now. Behind him JuJu wasn't sweating, he had resigned himself to kill or be killed. But I'm taking a muthafucka to the grave wit' me. Bones was going to be the first to get his top blown off, JuJu had already decided.
Quickly his eyes located the light switch on the wall. It was right there within arm’s reach. With the lights out, the darkness would minimize their advantage.
JuJu took a mental picture of where each man stood, he could put them on their asses without accidentally shooting Kiam. Yeah muhfuckaz I'm 'bout to turn this li'l spot into Beirut.
Kiam was thinking the same damn thing. He showed no fear. His persona remained all dick and balls. Wasn't no pussy inside his jeans so there was no chance of him bitching up. Fuck he care about a six against two? For most of his life it had been him against the whole got damn world. He looked at Riz's setup. It ain't enough of these muhfuckaz to get at me and my vicious ass young boy. And what purpose does dogs serve in a gunfight?
The thought brought a chuckle from his gut and his hand eased toward the strap inside his jacket. In that frozen moment of time, Eyez flashed in his mind. He hadn't told her goodbye so there was no way he was dying today. Fuck no! These niggas were about to get introduced to mass muhfuckin' murder.
The sound of the click clacks around the living room echoed in harmony as Riz's team peeped the move and clapped one in their chambers. Riz's hand shot up. "Everybody hold the fuck up!" he shouted. "There's no need for bloodshed. Let me talk to this man."
Kiam's whistle was halfway out of his waistband and JuJu's was already aimed at Bones' head, a fraction of a second away from decorating the wall.
Kiam studied Riz's face and saw what he needed to see in order to quiet that beast within. His hand came off the rubber grip around the handle of his banger, and he let it settle back down in its place. "We good Ju," he said without turning around.
JuJu removed his tool from Bones head but kept it out and ready to reverse the bodyguard's fate if the wind changed directions up in there.
Riz reached out, pulled the duffel bag to him and peered inside. He looked up at Kiam and nodded his acceptance. "Have a seat, my friend," he offered.
Kiam sat beside Riz on the couch.
Riz leaned over and grabbed a blunt off the cocktail table. One of his goons walked up and put some flame to it for him. Riz hit the blunt and slowly blew the smoke out. "What happened? Who on your team betrayed us?" he asked pointedly.
"******** and Gator," replied Kiam. "They both have been dealt with and can't possibly violate again."
Riz considered what he had just been told. "I didn't see that in *******," he admitted. "I read her to be a down ass bitch. Maybe even loyal to a fault."
Kiam just listened, he didn't see where true loyalty had a limit.
"It doesn't surprise me about Gator because he crossed people he was down with to join up with Big Zo, though what he was really loyal to was Lissha's pussy. I guess your coming in and taking over and probably taking Lissha from him too, pushed him to flip," Riz continued.
Kiam left him to think whatever he wanted, but something Riz had said caught his attention. "How did Gator cross someone to hook up with Big Zo?" he delved.
"Ask Lissha, she'll tell you. But you better watch that bitch, behind that pretty ass smile is a loaded gun. Her loyalty to Big Zo is impenetrable, never think otherwise."
"Mine is also," stated Kiam. Never think otherwise.
Riz smiled appreciatively, loyalty was the attribute that separated real men from fakes. With a nigga like Kiam on his squad there would be no stopping him. He sat the blunt down in an ashtray and placed a friendly hand on Kiam's shoulder. "I like what you stand for. You're the type of man that can be trusted. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same way about the man you work for."
"You can feel what you wanna feel Bleed, but I didn't come here for that. I came to straighten things up with you. Now that that's done where can we go from here?"
"Kiam, things aren't always as simple as that and not many people are who they appear to be. I used to have the same respect for Big Zo as you have for him now, but things started happening that has me wondering." He leaned back and gathered his thoughts before sharing them.
Kiam looked over at JuJu who was still posted up by the door surveying everything and everyone. Riz's voice brought Kiam's attention back to him.
"Kiam, let me tell you a story. When the feds hit Big Zo and snatched up everything he had, I was the one that fronted Lissha and Treebie blocks to help them rebuild his empire. Not long after I began doing that one of my stash houses here in New York got jacked and three of my men lost their lives trying to defend it. A fourth one was left alive by the robbers to deliver a message." Riz gestured one of his goons over to the couch.
The dreadlocked boy came across the room and stood awaiting Riz's order. "This is my son Jamaal. He is the one Blood Money left alive to deliver their message," he said to Kiam.
Blood Money! Kiam was shocked, but his expression did not change. JuJu had heard the name too but he did not allow his emotions to betray his calm.
"Jamaal, show him what Blood Money did to you," Riz prompted.
Jamaal let the stock of his chopper rest on the floor as he removed the gloves he was wearing and showed Kiam the scar left from the bullet hole that Blood Money had blown through his hand.
All kinds of thoughts ran through Kiam's mind but he revealed nothing to Riz. "What does any of this shit have to do with us?" Kiam questioned him.
Riz looked him in the eye and replied, "I had several of my men executed after that robbery. But as time moved on I have reason to suspect that Big Zo was behind it. I've tracked Blood Money to Cleveland, Ohio, Big Zo's stomping grounds. I don't believe in coincidence. I haven't been able to find out any of their identities but I will sooner or later, and if my suspicions prove correct I'm murdering everyone associated with Big Zo. You might wanna consider breaking ties with his organization."
"Loyalty or death," proclaimed Kiam, rising to his feet. "So I guess this ends our business."
"Only if you want it to. Like I said, I have suspicions but no proof. We can carry on with our dealings, it is very profitable to both sides. But I can't trust delivering to your people outside of New York. I'll lower the price $500 a shoe but you'll have to come up here to get them."
"I can do that," Kiam agreed and they shook hands.
As Riz walked him to the door he told him that he hoped his suspicions turned out to be wrong. "I do too," Kiam replied. "Because when two giants clash a lot of little people get crushed."
As Kiam and JuJu descended down the stairs they both were wondering who in the fuck Blood Money was. Kiam's forehead was creased, he needed answers and this time he was not letting Lissha blow him off.
Inside his apartment Riz picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Yeah?" answered his man.
"What have you found out about Blood Money?" asked Riz.
"Nothing yet, but I'm on it. And when I smoke 'em out, I'ma torture and kill 'em one by one," said Wa'leek.
JuJu nodded his head and clicked one in the chamber of his Desert Eagle. From this point on it was do or die. If Riz was on some gorilla shit he was gonna make that nigga the top story on the ten o'clock news. "I'm ready fam. Let's go see what it do," he said and they got out of the car at the same time.
Kiam had his heat on his waist and a small duffle bag slung across his good shoulder. JuJu followed him inside the building with his jaw set and his mind on creating chalk lines. He took in everything as they climbed the stairs to the sixth floor.
Bones opened the door and let them in. He had a mug on his face like something stupid was on his mental. Kiam looked him in the eye communicating that death was right around the corner if he was intent on having it pay him a visit. JuJu's grimace punctuated that message, but Bones wasn't shook. He had more than a dozen bodies on his street resume and the thought of adding two more made his nuts swell.
None of the men spoke to each other. JuJu kept his eyes on Bones as he closed the door behind them. Kiam's gaze immediately honed in on Riz who was seated on the couch with his two Rottweilers at his feet. His short dreads were neatly trimmed today and the army fatigues that he wore were starched and creased. Nothing about his appearance was cruddy but his eyes; they were two black orbs that resembled the darkness that came before death.
With four killahs in one small room and a breadth of animosity between them the tension immediately thickened.
Both canines rose and bared their teeth, letting out low growls. Kiam didn't flinch, he was gonna turn them into black and brown throw rugs the minute they pounced.
"Sit," ordered Riz without breaking the eye lock that he held on Kiam.
The well-trained dogs obeyed their master's command while continuing to watch Kiam. The dog’s keen sense of smell picked up the heavy scent of danger that emitted from his pores.
Riz sized Kiam up. The reports that he'd gotten back from Cleveland confirmed what his first impressions had been. The man that stood before him personified officialness but that didn't excuse what had happened.
Kiam dropped the duffel bag at Riz's feet. It landed with a thud. "I'm a man of honor," he said. "I would never betray the people that vouched for me nor would I dirty my name. A man's word is worth much more than money. That's every dollar that you lost in our last transaction. I hope that brings peace between us but if not, it's your move."
Riz duly noted Kiam's audacity; he had no choice but to respect the nigga's gangsta. Here he was with one arm in a sling, up in BK, in the crib of one of the most ruthless men in the city, letting his nuts hang to the floor.
Riz cleared his throat. Seconds later four cold-hearted assassins came out of the back wearing menacing frowns and holding assault rifles. They posted up around the room covering all sides and stood prepared to let their weapons bark at Riz's command.
Kiam eyes scanned the room, the odds were seriously against him but that was the story of his life. He had never been one to fold against a stacked deck and that wasn't about to change now. Behind him JuJu wasn't sweating, he had resigned himself to kill or be killed. But I'm taking a muthafucka to the grave wit' me. Bones was going to be the first to get his top blown off, JuJu had already decided.
Quickly his eyes located the light switch on the wall. It was right there within arm’s reach. With the lights out, the darkness would minimize their advantage.
JuJu took a mental picture of where each man stood, he could put them on their asses without accidentally shooting Kiam. Yeah muhfuckaz I'm 'bout to turn this li'l spot into Beirut.
Kiam was thinking the same damn thing. He showed no fear. His persona remained all dick and balls. Wasn't no pussy inside his jeans so there was no chance of him bitching up. Fuck he care about a six against two? For most of his life it had been him against the whole got damn world. He looked at Riz's setup. It ain't enough of these muhfuckaz to get at me and my vicious ass young boy. And what purpose does dogs serve in a gunfight?
The thought brought a chuckle from his gut and his hand eased toward the strap inside his jacket. In that frozen moment of time, Eyez flashed in his mind. He hadn't told her goodbye so there was no way he was dying today. Fuck no! These niggas were about to get introduced to mass muhfuckin' murder.
The sound of the click clacks around the living room echoed in harmony as Riz's team peeped the move and clapped one in their chambers. Riz's hand shot up. "Everybody hold the fuck up!" he shouted. "There's no need for bloodshed. Let me talk to this man."
Kiam's whistle was halfway out of his waistband and JuJu's was already aimed at Bones' head, a fraction of a second away from decorating the wall.
Kiam studied Riz's face and saw what he needed to see in order to quiet that beast within. His hand came off the rubber grip around the handle of his banger, and he let it settle back down in its place. "We good Ju," he said without turning around.
JuJu removed his tool from Bones head but kept it out and ready to reverse the bodyguard's fate if the wind changed directions up in there.
Riz reached out, pulled the duffel bag to him and peered inside. He looked up at Kiam and nodded his acceptance. "Have a seat, my friend," he offered.
Kiam sat beside Riz on the couch.
Riz leaned over and grabbed a blunt off the cocktail table. One of his goons walked up and put some flame to it for him. Riz hit the blunt and slowly blew the smoke out. "What happened? Who on your team betrayed us?" he asked pointedly.
"******** and Gator," replied Kiam. "They both have been dealt with and can't possibly violate again."
Riz considered what he had just been told. "I didn't see that in *******," he admitted. "I read her to be a down ass bitch. Maybe even loyal to a fault."
Kiam just listened, he didn't see where true loyalty had a limit.
"It doesn't surprise me about Gator because he crossed people he was down with to join up with Big Zo, though what he was really loyal to was Lissha's pussy. I guess your coming in and taking over and probably taking Lissha from him too, pushed him to flip," Riz continued.
Kiam left him to think whatever he wanted, but something Riz had said caught his attention. "How did Gator cross someone to hook up with Big Zo?" he delved.
"Ask Lissha, she'll tell you. But you better watch that bitch, behind that pretty ass smile is a loaded gun. Her loyalty to Big Zo is impenetrable, never think otherwise."
"Mine is also," stated Kiam. Never think otherwise.
Riz smiled appreciatively, loyalty was the attribute that separated real men from fakes. With a nigga like Kiam on his squad there would be no stopping him. He sat the blunt down in an ashtray and placed a friendly hand on Kiam's shoulder. "I like what you stand for. You're the type of man that can be trusted. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same way about the man you work for."
"You can feel what you wanna feel Bleed, but I didn't come here for that. I came to straighten things up with you. Now that that's done where can we go from here?"
"Kiam, things aren't always as simple as that and not many people are who they appear to be. I used to have the same respect for Big Zo as you have for him now, but things started happening that has me wondering." He leaned back and gathered his thoughts before sharing them.
Kiam looked over at JuJu who was still posted up by the door surveying everything and everyone. Riz's voice brought Kiam's attention back to him.
"Kiam, let me tell you a story. When the feds hit Big Zo and snatched up everything he had, I was the one that fronted Lissha and Treebie blocks to help them rebuild his empire. Not long after I began doing that one of my stash houses here in New York got jacked and three of my men lost their lives trying to defend it. A fourth one was left alive by the robbers to deliver a message." Riz gestured one of his goons over to the couch.
The dreadlocked boy came across the room and stood awaiting Riz's order. "This is my son Jamaal. He is the one Blood Money left alive to deliver their message," he said to Kiam.
Blood Money! Kiam was shocked, but his expression did not change. JuJu had heard the name too but he did not allow his emotions to betray his calm.
"Jamaal, show him what Blood Money did to you," Riz prompted.
Jamaal let the stock of his chopper rest on the floor as he removed the gloves he was wearing and showed Kiam the scar left from the bullet hole that Blood Money had blown through his hand.
All kinds of thoughts ran through Kiam's mind but he revealed nothing to Riz. "What does any of this shit have to do with us?" Kiam questioned him.
Riz looked him in the eye and replied, "I had several of my men executed after that robbery. But as time moved on I have reason to suspect that Big Zo was behind it. I've tracked Blood Money to Cleveland, Ohio, Big Zo's stomping grounds. I don't believe in coincidence. I haven't been able to find out any of their identities but I will sooner or later, and if my suspicions prove correct I'm murdering everyone associated with Big Zo. You might wanna consider breaking ties with his organization."
"Loyalty or death," proclaimed Kiam, rising to his feet. "So I guess this ends our business."
"Only if you want it to. Like I said, I have suspicions but no proof. We can carry on with our dealings, it is very profitable to both sides. But I can't trust delivering to your people outside of New York. I'll lower the price $500 a shoe but you'll have to come up here to get them."
"I can do that," Kiam agreed and they shook hands.
As Riz walked him to the door he told him that he hoped his suspicions turned out to be wrong. "I do too," Kiam replied. "Because when two giants clash a lot of little people get crushed."
As Kiam and JuJu descended down the stairs they both were wondering who in the fuck Blood Money was. Kiam's forehead was creased, he needed answers and this time he was not letting Lissha blow him off.
Inside his apartment Riz picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Yeah?" answered his man.
"What have you found out about Blood Money?" asked Riz.
"Nothing yet, but I'm on it. And when I smoke 'em out, I'ma torture and kill 'em one by one," said Wa'leek.
Crowned by Princess Dior
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Sapphire Escape by JA Sapphire
Tears Of A Hustler by Silk White
Pauleena entered the shower room and grabbed some scrawnylooking white girl who was drying off and tossed her out of the shower room, then slammed the door behind her. Instantly Jessica looked up and saw Pauleena standing in the shower room fully dressed. Right then and there Jessica already knew what time it was.
“Oh I see you one of them hard headed bitches.” Jessica spat. She stood talking to Pauleena as if she wasn’t butt naked. Jessica was a big girl, but she wasn’t fat nor was she skinny. Jessica rinsed the remaining soap suds off of her body, then cut the shower off, as she noticed Pauleena heading towards her. All the steam that filled the shower room and floated through the air made it hard for Jessica or Pauleena to seeclearly. “Come on bitch.” Jessica growled taking a defensive stance. Once Pauleena was within arm reach, Jessica fired off a quick jab.
Pauleena weaved the jab and caught Jessica with a stiff right hook. Jessica’s head snapped back as the strap on her shower slippers broke off. Once Pauleena saw Jessica struggling to keep her footing she went in for the kill and fired punches from all angles hitting Jessica all in herface and head. Jessica fought back as best she could, but every time she tried to gain momentum in the fight Pauleena hit her with another punch.
Jessica kicked off her other shower shoe, backed up and took a second to regroup. She eyed Pauleena closely, the fresh scratches that covered her face were beginning to burn and sting, so she quickly moved on to plan B. Jessica charged Pauleena and was rewarded with two stiff punches to the face. Jessica took the punches well, reached out and grabbed a handful of Pauleena hair. “Bitch!” Jessica barked, then tossed Pauleena into the wall by her hair. Pauleena’s body sounded off loudly when it made contact with the wall. Jessica held Pauleena’s hair with one hand and fired off several punches to her face, followed by a few knee strikes.
Outside the shower room Remy as well as several other inmates stood outside the shower room’s door listening to the gruesome battle that was taking place on the other side of the door. They didn’t know what was going on, but from the sound of it they could tell that it was going down.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Aqua Blue by Marian L. Thomas
In 1968 a child was
born. Her father's eyes boast a beautiful green and her mother was born with
hazel. Yet, Aqua Blue was brought into the world with neither.
Haley wishes her
parents would forget her. Her mother wants to control her, her father constantly
beats on her and Haley, however, just wants to dance on Broadway. Will her
dreams cost her more than she ever expected?
Jonathan Jacob
Benjamin Brown is running from the memory of a mother he loved. His journey
will thrust him into a world filled with secrets so shocking, he must determine
whether he will forgive or walk away.
As they each step foot into the intoxicating city of New York, their
dreams are standing before them with open arms. Yet, in order to embrace the
possibilities, they must first learn to live, love, and breathe.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Black Magic by Nika Michelle Review
Magic by Nika Michelle is the third installment in the Black Butterfly trilogy and it begins exactly
where it left off in Black Onyx. Starting
the novel off in this way will defiantly gain readers appreciation because they
are not thrown into the pages of Black
Magic without a clue as to what is taking place. Nika has made this novel easy to follow and
quickly reminded you what has taken place in part two but I must say, the
storyline did not grab me like it did in part two. It was not as entertaining and the
shock factor was missing for me. Once it came to the characters I did however,
appreciate the growth from the middle sister Seandra. The author showed her emotional side
and the character embodied true emotion. Throughout the story although all sisters
were emotional in some way, shape, or form Seandra was the most heartfelt, most
real and I believe Nika allowed you to take a glimpse into the characters heart and have you witness what she was feeling.
I had the privilege of reviewing the unedited version of Black Magic and I have to say that I was impressed with the few errors
that I found. The ending has left me to believe that there would be a part four
and in all honesty I hope that there is because after reading Black Onyx I know that Nika can bring me
something great and I am waiting for a read penned within this series that will blow
part two out of the water.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The Niya Interview with Fabiola Joseph and Erotic Bliss.
Niya is the first novella written by Fabiola Joseph and it has taken the literary world by storm. This modern age tale about a young girl coming to terms with who she is has caused many readers to shed a tear and applaud the author for such astonishing work. But you know what they say, two heads are always better than one and up and coming author Erotic Bliss proved this saying to be 100% true when she co-wrote Niya with Fabiola Joseph. This new author has snuck into the limelight and keeps an extremely low profile while having everyone wonder "Who's That Girl?" but that question will no longer be asked because My Urban Books will not only be interviewing Fabiola Joseph, but Erotic Bliss as well. So ladies and gentlemen lock your eyes to the screen and read all about the birth of Niya.
My Urban Books: How did you two come up with the idea for Niya?
Fabiola Joseph:
I knew that I wanted to write a story about a STUD. There is something so
alluring, so sexy, so mysterious about them, but I just didn’t think that I
could pull it off. So, I put her on the backburner knowing that I would come
back to her later. When I got back in contact with Bliss, Everything just fell into
place. Bliss opened my eyes to a whole new world and through her and her life
experiences, Niya was born.
Erotic Bliss:
When she came to me with the idea, I was a little scared. I felt like I was
about to put myself on front-street. I am a very private person so I was
petrified. So one day, I woke up after a long night with Fabie on the phone,
and I find an email with the first two chapters in it. I read it and fell in
love. After that, I was all for it.
My Urban Books: How
is the lesbian and heterosexual community been responding to Niya?
Fabiola Joseph:
Really well. I was so worried that the hetero readers wouldn’t get it, but they
do, and that makes me smile. The lesbian and gay community also LOVED the
story. We have been told that the story is true to life, and that is what we
wanted. One reader even said that they loved that the story was about a STUD
and not an ultra feminine character, although Jamilla and a few other characters
fill in the feminine gap. What makes me happy is that even gay men are falling in
love with Niya {lol} I LOVE that!
My Urban Books: What kind of demons will Niya be battling in part 2?
Erotic Bliss:
We felt that in Niya… Rainbow Dreams, the readers really fell hard for
Jamilla's story. Yes, they got a glimpse into Niya’s life but Jamilla got to kill
a lot of her demons. This time around in Niya 2… Dreamers Paradise, Niya will
face a lot of hers. Like the relationship with her parents, her blossoming
attachment to alcohol, and her infatuation with Jamilla. She will even have to
face her dreams head on. We know that she wants to be a rapper, but what is she
doing about it?
My Urban Books: How will Jamilla evolve in Niya 2?
Fabiola Joseph:
Jamilla is going to start facing her inner battles as far as her fear of the L
word. We felt that she is so afraid that she may be a lesbian that she is
running away from the love Niya has for her and for the love she truly has for
Niya. She is still battling her home life. Yes, things with her stepfather have
gotten better but her relationship with her mother is still an ongoing battle.
Everyone needs their mothers love but she will have to learn that she may never
get it the way she wants it.
My Urban Books: Fabiola, you have lesbian characters in your other novels The Art of Deceit’s Amira and Rebel’s Domain’s Kory. How can those two relate to Niya and what can they learn from her?
Fabiola Joseph:
I feel that they all can learn from each other. Funny thing is I feel that they
are all alike in some ways. Like the fact that they were all in love with a
“Straight” girl.
My Urban Books: Here's another question for you Fabiola, If
you put the main characters of all of your novels together, (Tangie, Jazzy,
Scarlett, and Niya) what kind of character would you come up with?
Fabiola Joseph:
Wow, that would be one hell of a character. They would be smart, deadly,
talented, scary, loving, young at heart, hardened by life, giving, insecure,
hard to deal with, and all in fear of love, true love. The scariest part is…
this character would be the closest to who I really am.
My Urban Books: I
think a lot of people are wondering about Jamilla’s sexuality. Is she
homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual?
Erotic Bliss:
I love about Jamilla's character is that she left some of the readers just as
confused as she is. Some feel that she is a lesbian or at least bi because of
how she feels about Niya. Others feel that she is like every other young lady
out there, the ones who are curious, the ones who mistake a really close
friendship with a lesbian as a crush. Our answer is… the readers will have to
wait and see.
My Urban Books: In
the future will you write a novel centered around homosexual males?
Fabiola Joseph:
Porn Stars 1 and 2 had gay male characters, and although my co-author Matthew
Ramsey wrote those characters, I really enjoyed them. I am toying with the
My Urban Books:With
every book an author writes they better their craft, how has your writing
My Urban Books:With every novel that you two have wrote, how have you grown as a person?
Erotic Bliss:
Going into Niya 1, I was so afraid. I held back a lot. Being that I tell my
part of the story and Fabie is the one who really puts them into words, I just
went into Niya 2 as an open book. I tell the truth about who I am and Fabie
adds in the spice of fiction. I am the happiest I have been in a long time, and
I owe that all to Fabiola Joseph. Without her, this story would never be.
Fabiola Joseph:
I am free. I am free of all that has haunted me. So much of me is Jamilla, so much
of me is Niya, as they are both Bliss in their own ways. I put so much of my
pain into that book and it was freeing. I have grown to love me, I have grown
to love all the parts of me that I have always tried to hide, and I am also
learning to forgive. This book healed me in a lot of ways, and without Bliss,
that would never be.
My Urban Books:What will you like for people to know about
your new cover Niya 2?
Fabiola Joseph: That both Bliss and I put so much thought into
it. Everything on that cover is there for a reason. That cover tells a story,
the new story of who these women are becoming.
Erotic Bliss:
Yes, Fabie must have had six or seven drafts of this cover made *lol* but that is
what I respect about her. She loves what she does and works so hard at making
it right for the readers but most importantly, herself. She really has an
eye for details.
My Urban Books: We are now going to now put the spotlight on Erotic Bliss. You are a mystery to many, so tell us, who are you?
Erotic Bliss:
I am a woman who is trying to find her way in life just like the rest of them.
I have served my country and now, I am working on serving myself. I abandoned
myself for so long, and because of this book, I am finding me again. I am
also a woman who loves and respects my co-author. She has given me life.
My Urban Books: Can we expect a solo novel from
My Urban Books: Can you tell us what your first name is?
Erotic Bliss:
LoL, nah, no chance of that.
My Urban Books: 5 years ago, who was Erotic
Erotic Bliss:
She was WILD. I was only 22 then. Let’s just say, a lot of people know my name.
I have been a lot of places, and I have done a lot of things.
My Urban Books: What was the first thing you
remember writing?
Erotic Bliss: A rap song. It was called, I Like Her. It started off with… I like her, but she will never know. My
friends say that I should tell her but in my mind, I act as if she already
knows. I blow kisses at her from behind, she can’t see them so for now, I’ll
just pretend that she’s all mine and wait for the day that I will be able to
blow her mind. LOL, yeah, I still remember it. I was 12, I think.
My Urban Books: Now back to the dynamic duo, what have you two learned from one another while
writing Niya 1 & 2?
Erotic Bliss:
Fabiola has taught me to remember myself. She had taught me to live openly and
not to hide so much of who I am. She has taught me that I deserve love and that
I should love freely. I always admired that about her. She is so loving, so
open about loving, even though she is afraid. I had always let my fears stop
me, I am no longer doing that. I love her not only because I am in love with
her, but because of the love that she has shown and taught me. She tells me
that I am beautiful and talented every day. She taught me that just like Niya,
I had to face the fears that were eating me up alive. I thank her, and I am so
grateful to have her in my life.
Fabiola Joseph:
I do not even know where to start. As I wrote Niya 1 and 2, I found myself
pouring the love that I have for Bliss into those pages. Bliss is one of two
people who came along and saved me. I had given up on so much before her. She
renewed my faith in life and in people. My heart beats to the sound of a new
drum. That drum, that rhythm, is Bliss. Our journey has just begun, as writers,
and friends, but she enriches my life on a daily basis Like Niya and Jamilla,
like the words that stain the pages of Niya 1 and 2, like the love that is felt
as you read these words, it was all just meant to be, and I love her.
Silence carved
through the air like a newly sharpened knife as we walked back to our building.
Jamilla had just made a promise to me that I prayed she would keep. There was
nothing binding us in Brooklyn. Her family was shit and as for me, the only
person I had to worry about was my granny. The night’s events played over in my
head as if it were a film. Jamilla’s stepfather was the second person I didn’t
kill that night and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. Both he and Roxie
deserved to eat dirt, to waste away and be considered casualties of the mean
streets of Brooklyn. Although Roxie had met her maker, it wasn’t by my hands,
as it should have been.
“Niya… NIYA?”
I wasn’t sure how
long Jamilla had been calling my name but I really hadn’t heard her until she
“What’s up boo?”
We were in the
entrance of our building when I took her hand. Something in her eyes was
different though. She seemed guarded, and fearful of my touch. I felt it the
minute our hands touched.
“We need to talk. I would say let’s go
back to your place but Smiley is sleeping. I just… I just… we need---.”
“Niya, mi amour, where have you been?
Mommy's been waiting for you.”
I froze when I heard
her voice. It was as if the warm air had turned into a winters chill. I was
afraid to turn around. With her, you never knew what you would get. Sure, she
never looked right but sometimes, it was worse than others.
“Is that your mom?”
By the shock that
was written all over Jamilla face, I knew that it was going to be bad. Slowly,
I turned around to face the person who used to be my mother. The lady before me
was dirty, she was too thing, with stringy hair, and she looked sick. The last
time I saw her, she wasn’t this bad, but standing there in front of me, she was
just a shell of who she used to be.
“Niya, mi amour, I had an accident, I
need a shower, and I’m so hungry honey. Is mama upstairs? Maybe she can make us
some nice breakfast, just like she used to.”
My fucking heart was
braking. Who was this woman, I asked myself as she got close to me? I looked
into her eyes but the glaze from the drugs wouldn’t let me penetrate her fucked
up state of mind. As she reached out to me, my first reaction was to pull away.
She was just so dirty, and she smelled of shit, but I just couldn’t pull away
from her, she was my mother, the woman who birthed me. I let her touch the side
of my face and watched her smile before she spoke.
“You are so cute mi amour, just like
your papi. You look just like me but with his eye and lips. Can we go upstairs
I couldn’t move, I
couldn’t speak, all I wanted to know was if the woman standing in front of me
was really my mother. She used to be so beautiful, she proud. Now, she was just
an empty shell. I couldn’t help but stand there and cry.

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