Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
A Conversation with Dama Cargle

My Urban Books: Dama you are a new author so tell us about yourself,
who is Dama the author?
Dama Cargle:
Dama the author
and my personal self is one in the same, I’m focused, passionate and learning
about my business and love what I’m doing. There’s nothing else I would rather
be doing at this moment. Any and everything I do, I do it with 110% and I think
a person will see that when they read my books, or interact with me.
My Urban Books: What does your writing process consist of?
Dama Cargle:
I find
inspiration in something or someone. I always pray
first before I write one word, turn my music up so load I can’t hear anything
that’s going on around me. May have an alcoholic drink to help me get in a zone
and let my characters take over.
My Urban Books: Are
you an eBook or paperback person?
Dama Cargle: Both, I love eBooks for providing a way
for upcoming authors to have control over their very own destiny. But my first
love would be paperbacks.
Dama Cargle:
Write, write,
and write some more. As for me the characters start talking more even when I’m
not writing, their talking. I find myself talking to them. I can vividly see
them, their mannerism, their smell. Most of the time we argue when it’s time
for bed becasue their not ready but I am.
My Urban Books: Tell
us about your style of writing, how would you describe it?
Dama Cargle:I would call it sexy suspense LOL. I
love to paint a picture of a sexy woman or man then take you on drama suspense
ride filled with an unbelievable ending that will leave you craving for more.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
A Conversation With Keisha Ervin
In the world of
writing many has come and many has gone but very few has stayed around,
standing the test of time with their pens by their side and a fresh peice of
paper clutched in their hand ready to write a novel that will grace book
shelves around the world. Writing is an honor and should never be taken
lightly, it is a journey of the mind a creative pool authors are swimming in.
And Keisha Ervin has swam in that pool and created novels readers can't take
their eyes off, so pull up a seat and listen carefully because this is our conversation
with Keisha Ervin.
Keisha Ervin:
Sometimes when I write I get my feelings out on paper but not often. I’m more
of a talker when it comes to my feelings. I try to write cautionary tales so
that other women won’t have to go through the things I put my characters
through or that I or my friends have gone through. I also try to hip my readers
on what’s going on out here in the world. Relationships and friendships can get
tricky sometimes so I try to touch on those subjects.
My Urban Books: What scene have you written that made
you cry?
Keisha Ervin: Lol, none I don’t get emotional when I write my own books. I might read it and
be like oooh that was good but that’s about it.
My Urban Books:
You’re novel Torn has taken readers on
an emotional roller coaster! Please explain to us what it took for you to write
this novel, what ingredients actually made it possible for this story to come
to life?
Keisha Ervin: For
those out there that don’t know Torn is based on a true story. For the readers
who have read Torn, during that time I was the character Mina and my best
friend Monsieur was Mo. I was always on the receiving end of hearing about her
messed up relationship with her boyfriend who wasn’t treating her right. So I
decide one day to write a story about it so that she could read it and see
herself. And writing the book was a huge wake up call for her and she left the
Keisha Ervin:
Nothing that I do is a hobby. I have to love it in order to do it or else it
won’t work, lol. Outside of building my publication company Color Me Pink
Publications I also am a makeup artist and I have my own line of cosmetics that
I will be debuting in 2013. I have a fashion blog called Bow Ties and Barrettes
where I showcase my love fashion. I want to show women of whatever size that
you can be fashionable and not break the bank to do so. Fashion is a huge part of my life. If you
notice fashion is a big part of my books. It’s like the side character, lol. I
also will be selling handbags and jewelry in the next month or so.
My Urban Books: Was there ever a time you wanted to give
up writing and just walk away from it all? If so what made you stay?
Keisha Ervin:
Yes what made me stay around was the readers and knowing that God didn’t have
to give me this gift. I could’ve still been a high school drop out on welfare
but this blessing of knowing how to tell stories has kept me and my son with a
roof over our head and food in our mouths. I could never say forget it and walk
away. It would be like spitting in Gods face if I did.
Keisha Ervin:I’m on Facebook, Twitter and Pintrest I
think that they can be a great deal of help to you if you use it right. I don’t
get on those social sites to tell my personal business or start drama. It’s
strictly business for me. Those sites are great promotional tools and a great
way to stay in touch with your readers. I try to include the readers in on all
of my projects.
Keisha Ervin:
YES, Material Girl 3: Secrets and Betrayals. It is my most highly anticipated
book and I am honestly scared to finish it, lol because there is so much
anticipation for it. After writing the sequel to my latest novel RECKLESS I
will be starting on MG3. I just have to give it my full attention and put my
all into to it.
My Urban Books: What about urban fiction would you say
is over rated?
Keisha Ervin:
The whole fascination with drugs, robbery, pimps and hoes.
My Urban Books: What do you consider your greatest
accomplishment to be?
Keisha Ervin:
By far my son Kyrese. He is my everything. If I hadn’t have had him I wouldn’t
be where am I right now. All of this is because of him.
My Urban Books: What will your next release be? Can you
tell us a name and a brief description of the novel?
Keisha Ervin:
It will be the sequel to RECKLESS. I have no title for it yet. After that
Material Girl 3: Secrets and Betrayals and then To Love and Lipstick.
Keisha Ervin:
To learn as much as you can about the business. Never sign a contract without a
lawyer’s approval. Write from the heart and dare to push the envelope. If
anybody wants to contact me my email address
Black Butterfly Review by Nika Michelle
It is always a
pleasure to read something out of the norm. When I am in search of a read I
zone in for something which is original, entertaining and take a left turn from
everything else on book shelves. Black Butterfly by Nika Michelle is a read
that I find to be different and full of style. The book revolves around the
lives of the three Beauvois sisters and the trials and tribulations
they undergo
together and separately . Although this family is rich I could have gone without
the constant name dropping pertaining to name brands and I believe the editing
could have been tighter. The beginning of the novel moved a little slow for me
and whenever the author drew me in let me go shortly after. But after I
continued to read further into the novel Nika automatically drew me in and I
could then feel the characters emotions jumping off of the page and having me
feel either pain or happiness for the current situation.
kept my interest is the fact that none of the women in this novel were similar
at all, they all had their own drama, their own views on things and seemed to
represent a few of the many insecurities and fears many women have. Nika made
us take a look into the life’s of wealthy people and exposed the good and the
bad which was a breath of fresh air and shown people do not only judge one
another by how they look but also based on the money in their pockets. I
enjoyed the ending, it was a shocker and something I did not see coming but was
very realistic. When things hit the fan that is when the book was at its best
and Nika's writing style truly shined. Nika pulled at my heart strings and made
my eyes get big, Black Butterfly is a novel based on sister hood, love, and
independence a novel where women takes a look into the mirror and has no choice
but to face their fears.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
The Kindle Fire HD
There are three new Kindle Fire HD's being added to the market. The first is the Kindle Fire HD 7" tablet for $199.00. The second is the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" for $299.00 and the last is the Kindle Fire HD 8.9" 4G for $499.00. To check out the descriptions of these tablets click on the link.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Renee by Brandie Davis Sneak Peek (Unedited version)
Chapter 1
fall is when New York comes alive and the city is at its best. Billboard and
building lights shine so bright you’d never guess the sun was missing. The streets
were jammed packed with children of the night who were loud and full of energy
ready to party the night away. This is the city that never sleeps and watches
everyone who steps foot in its concrete jungle and sucks them in. However, during
this summer night, the city was surprisingly quiet and peaceful. Only a handful
of people were out and about and cars zoomed by but didn’t make a sound. It was
eerie, like the world came to a halt and felt Renee’s rage.
Like a queen,
Renee sat on her throne and looked out at all of New York from her terrace. Her
Manhattan penthouse supplied her with the view she needed to marvel over what
was hers. Her eyes danced across the sky
then made its way down to the very streets she flooded with coke. Renee entered
a game labeled “boys only” and took it over with ease. Her rage and emotionless
soul made it capable for her to enter a man’s game and conquer it without
apology or regret, but tonight it wasn’t about that, tonight the betrayal she
felt didn’t come from the streets but from home.
Her slender
fingers wrapped around her pinnacle and cranberry so tight it was bound to
shatter. Renee looked into the night and wondered where the one man she gave
her heart to was. Ever since she
revealed to Julian three days prior that she aborted their child he cut off all
forms of communication with her. He didn’t take her calls, come by, text, or
face time her. The way he cut her off you’d think they had no history whatsoever.
Renee drunk the last of her Pinnacle and poured herself another glass of vodka
minus the cranberry juice and took it to the head. Liquor had always been her best
friend through college. The more Julian ignored her, the more anger surged
through her and ripped her soul apart. Life wasn’t fair, it was cruel and
hurtful and all Renee could ask was why?
she aborted their child without his knowledge, but what she didn’t understand
was why he was throwing such a tantrum. On many occasions Renee had voiced that
she didn’t want kids. She wasn’t mother material and knew it. Renee attended
meetings with her connect, not teachers. She flooded the streets of New York
with the purest coke the state has ever seen and no child deserved to have a
callous, queen pin as a mother. Motherhood entailed warmth and selflessness,
things Renee didn’t possess. She lost those good qualities a long time ago and
in the words of Omarion has an ice box where her heart used to be. So why act
like she could be Clair Huxtable when she knew she couldn’t. Julian knew all of this including the fact
that Renee’s a selfish individual who only showed interest in herself. So why
be surprised that she had an abortion?
Renee abandoned
her glass and started to drink the vodka from the bottle. She thought about how
true the saying “it’s lonely at the top” really was. Although she was cruel and
insensitive she cared for Julian, he was there for her when the rest of the
world walked out and remained loyal to her throughout the years which is why
his disappearance left a bitter taste in her mouth. She drunk the last of the
vodka and stood up to get a better view of the city. She looked far out into
Manhattan until she could see nothing but buildings and darkness. She ran her fingers
through her hair like a comb, she was losing her mind, but her pride wouldn’t
allow her to break down and feel the pain she was really feeling. She would
sleep in an empty bed that night and even though she would never admit or
acknowledge it that’s what scared her most. A lone tear threatened to fall from
her eyes but she fought against it, no tear had touched her cheeks in ten years
and they weren’t about to now. So she stood there frozen in place while her
blood ran cold and her nails dug into the railing.
He’ll be back, was all she thought.
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