Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fancy 2 by Vanna B.


A Conversation With Kwame Teague

         I have two words for you, Dutch and Dynasty.  These two novels are urban fictions deadly D’s because they killed the genre with their catchy storylines and entertaining characters all while bumping the genre up a notch which resulted in the writing game never being the same. Writing is far from easy but Kwame Teague makes it look like a walk in the park when he pens his novels. So who is Kwame Teague? The person responsible for getting readers hooked to his novels? Continue reading and find out.

My Urban Books: How was life as a child? What have you done as a kid that you still do today?

Kwame Teague: Life as a child was pretty unremarkable. I was fortunate enough to have both parents. I remember spending all my time wishing I was grown and I still do the same wishing, except now it’s that I wish I was a kid.

My Urban Books: Growing up what did you want to be?

Kwame Teague: Alive! Even though I had a secure household, growing up in Newark in the 80’s made you think about death a lot, the good side is it made you take more risks, good and bad; it’s the hood twist on Plato’s unexamined life.

My Urban Books: What do you hope to change in urban fiction?

Kwame Teague: I don’t know, I wouldn’t say change, I guess leave my mark would be a better way of putting it. But what I want to leave my mark on is the structure of urban fiction. We as a whole should be on top of the world, we being me, Teri Woods, Wahida Clark, Al-Saadiq Banks and DC Bookdiva. We should’ve come together, pooled our resources and put our money behind one book and made it into a movie. That would’ve got the ball rolling for everyone. But we missed the opportunity. Will it come again? The bigger question is would we come together if it did?

My Urban Books: Is there a character you wish to revamp?

Kwame Teague: No.

My Urban Books: Who was the first to read Dynasty and what did they have to say about it?

Kwame Teague: DC Bookdiva! She was so happy…on the real she loved it!

My Urban Books: In three words describe Kwame Teague and in three words describe Dutch.

Kwame Teague: Kwame…too fuckin arrogant! Dutch…just a thought.

My Urban Books: What is a bad habit of yours once it comes to writing?

Kwame Teague: My bad habit is I don’t do rewrites, I should but I don’t. I freelance every book, it feels more authentic that way.

My Urban Books: Dynasty 3 will be releasing soon, care to tell me what we can expect and who will bring the drama?

Kwame Teague: As for Dynasty 3, expect fire! I take you into Tito’s life as a back story, bring in a new character and eliminate old ones.

My Urban Books: If you could build a team of the best urban fiction characters of all time who would they be?

Kwame Teague: They wouldn’t be characters, they would be writers! Al-Saadiq Banks, that’s my man, Wahida Clark, K’Wan, Shannon Holmes and my brother Eyone!

My Urban Books: Do you have an idea for a future release after Dynasty 3? If so do you have a title?

Kwame Teague: Yeah, a future release called, me…Free Kwame Teague! I’m not working on a book, I’m working on developing a network of  incarcerated brothers and sisters across the country who is tired of being the problem and are ready to be the solution. We will bring together our ideas, resources and talent in order to come up with solutions to uplift and empower our community. If you have a loved one incarcerated and you think they’d be interested get at me through my Facebook page.

My Urban Books: Have you ever considered writing an e-book series?

Kwame Teague: Yes.

My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?

Kwame Teague: For aspiring anybody the mind is powerful…think and always stay true to your beliefs, work hard, never give up on your dreams and you will be heard.

The choosen cover for Wahida Clark's Honor Thy Thug


Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Conversation with Monica Mathis-Stowe

        If you ask me cover designs and titles are what determine whether a reader will give a novel a second look or not. So when Monica Mathis-Stowe's novel Where Did We Go Wrong made its appearance on my Facebook page its catchy title and hot pink cover immediately caught my attention and screamed originality. Any author who has a cover as clean cut as this must take a seat with My Urban Books and spill their guts, so ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you, Monica Mathis-Stowe. So it was a given in My Urban Books would have Monica Mathis-Stowe, the author behind this attention demanding cover have a seat and spill her guts.

My Urban Books: As a teenager what role did you play with your friends? Were you the comical one, the mama friend? What?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: As a teenager, I was always the serious studious type. The bookworm of the group who preferred to stay in the house and read a good book as opposed to hanging out with friends. When I did go out with my friends, I took on the mama role because I’m the oldest child and always felt like it was my responsibility to lead my friends, whether they wanted me to or not.

My Urban Books: Where Did We Go Wrong is based on three friends, so tell us a little bit about your friends.

Monica Mathis-Stowe: My friends are nothing like the characters I write about. Maxine, Joy and Gabby are all created from my imagination and had way too much drama in their lives. My girlfriends, on the other hand, are busy working mothers who are involved in their children’s activities. They’re too busy balancing their careers and family while trying to carve out a little ‘Me Time’ for themselves to deal with too much drama. My girlfriends don’t have time for anything that will cause them more stress in their lives.

My Urban Books: What ingredients would you say makes up for a toxic friendship?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: A so-called friend who is selfish, competitive and not available when you’re going through a difficult time makes up a toxic friendship. Someone who takes from you, but never gives back is selfish. Someone who tries to match your purchases and style is competing with you and will always try to outdo you so stay away from them. And if you’re always available when a friend needs you, but that same person is not available when you need them, stop making yourself available because that friendship is off balance and will never be equal.

My Urban Books: What was the first thing you learned about the literary world?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: You will create a love/hate relationship with your editor, but it will make your book better and help you develop a tough skin.

My Urban Books: You will soon be releasing Where Did We Go Wrong Again?  What about this novel makes it better than part one?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: Where Did We Go Wrong Again? Picks up immediately after Where Did We Go Wrong? ended. The first chapter reveals who was shot. Being held hostage by Joy’s deranged husband, Dean, made the characters do things they wouldn’t necessarily do. Their friendships are tested and strained. There are several topics in the book that I want readers to think about. Would you forgive a man you love who cheated on you? Would you reunite with your abusive husband even when your family and friends disagree with your decision? Is good sex enough to make you lower your standards and forget a man’s criminal background and his wife? These are just a few of the issues Gabby, Joy and Maxine deal with in the sequel.

 I’m apprehensive about saying anything about the sequel being better than part one. If it weren’t for my wonderful editors, I would probably still be working on Where Did We Go Wrong? Because I’m always trying to make my story better. I never feel confident about my work. I haven’t gotten to that point yet and always feel as if I could do better. I’ll let the readers decide.

My Urban Books: What novel can we expect from you after Where Did We Go Wrong Again? Do you have a name picked out?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: I have two novels in the works, The Firefighters’ Wives and Someday We’ll Be Together. My children’s book series will release in mid-2013 as well.

My Urban Books: Do you remember what the first person who didn’t like your novel said?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: Yes, a publisher told me that my novel was boring because it didn’t have the typical drug dealer love story, stripper turned good, and street theme that so many African American novels have today. Where Did We Go Wrong? Has been number one on Amazon’s African American Drama category for the past couple of months which goes to show you that not all African Americans want to read what that publisher was producing.

My Urban Books: What author has been the most supportive of your work?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: Azarel of Life Changing Books has been a tremendous support to me. I wouldn’t be a published author without her help and support.

My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?

Monica Mathis-Stowe: Have your work professionally edited before you publish it. Don’t give up on your dream of publishing your novel. Editors and reviewers can be harsh, but truthful. Negative feedback will sting and hurt your ego, but listen and learn. Use it to make your work better. The last thing you want to do is publish your book without having a marketing plan. Even if you write a terrific novel, readers aren’t going to flock to your work. You have to create a marketing plan to get your book in reader’s hands.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Deeper Love Inside by Sister Souljah

The Sequel to The Coldest Winter Ever

At last, mega-bestselling author Sister Souljah delivers the stunning sequel to The Coldest Winter Ever. Fierce, raw, and filled with adventure and emotional intensity, A Deeper Love Inside is an unforgettable coming-of-age story in the words of Porsche Santiaga, Winter’s younger sister.

Sharp-tongued, quick-witted Porsche worships her sister Winter. Cut from the same cloth as her father, Ricky Santiaga, Porsche is also a natural-born hustler. Passionate and loyal to the extreme, she refuses to accept her new life in group homes, foster care, and juvenile detention after her family is torn apart.
Porsche—unique, young, and beautiful—cries as much as she fights and uses whatever she has to reclaim her status. Unselfish, she pushes to get back everything that ever belonged to her wealthy, loving family.

In A Deeper Love Inside, readers will encounter their favorite characters from The Coldest Winter Ever, including Winter and Midnight. Sister Souljah’s soulful writing will again move your heart and open your eyes to a shocking reality.

The Treasure Blue Book Line Up

 Fly Betty- 2/5/2013
Little Bad Girl 3- 2013
Cougar's Candy 2013
A Girl Called It: A Harlem Girl Lost Story 2013
The Battered Wives Club: The day the sheep became wolves 2013

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Deadly Phine by Darrell King

Ripped from the headlines! Stories detailing the horrendous nocturnal activities of sexual predators from St.Louis's infamous "Bossman "McGhee and New York's Nushawn Williams to the disturbing You Tube viral video rantings of the self proclaimed "Trashman". The threat of an HIV positive individual purposely infecting scores of unsuspecting women is unfortunately a very real and present danger.
Ebook Cover


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Wife Extraordinaire Reloaded Part 3 and I'm Forever New York's Finest by Kiki Swinson

Coming Soon

A Conversation With Hannah Spivey

         If you have never heard about her or got a chance to pull up a seat and have a conversation with her than now is the chance for you to do so. Get acquainted with Hannah Spivey and learn about the person behind the pen. Behind every novel is an author waiting to come out and now is the chance for readers to meet Hannah, pen and paper pushed aside.
My Urban Books: Growing up did you always want to be a writer?
Hannah Spivey: No, I didn’t always want to be a writer. I dreamed of becoming a teacher, nurse, driver, or lawyer, lol.
My Urban Books: Your novel Ebony the Beloved started with a teenage girl being bullied while in high school, so tell us Hannah how was your high school experience?
Hannah Spivey: In high school, I was an introvert. I stayed to myself and I was quite timid, but I wasn’t bullied though.
My Urban Books:What one word would you use to best describe Ebony from Ebony the Beloved? And why did you select that word?
Hannah Spivey: Triumphant. Ebony was more determined than she gave herself credit for.
My Urban Books: When writing what must you have? ex: snacks, music.
Hannah Spivey: Lol, hmmm…I like to listen to music and eat chocolate sometimes.
My Urban Books: When writing what did you start off doing that you now no longer do?
Hannah Spivey: Good question! I started my first book by writing it in a composition notebook. Nowadays I just regurgitate my thoughts onto the computer.
My Urban Books: What about your eBook’s would you say should be altered?
Hannah Spivey: I’d say my three e-books need to be changed because they need official covers, lol.
My Urban Books: What do you believe is the strongest aspect in African-American literature?
Hannah Spivey: Captivating  gritty, scandalous, and tantalizing story lines.
My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Hannah Spivey: I’d tell them to keep chasing their literary dreams until they’re breathless. I’d also tell them to do their research on book marketing, publishing and get well acquainted with prospect business partners via social networks.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Renee: All Hail the Queen by Brandie Davis paperback sale.

    Renee: All Hail the Queen by Brandie Davis paperbacks are now on sale for $10. Purchase your autographed copy today and get FREE shipping along with a FREE deck of Renee playing cards. To place your order email me at, hurry sale ends on Tuesday 11/27/2012.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rebel's Domain Review by Fabiola Joseph

      One of the best things an author can contribute to the literary would is upping the ante and challenging themselves once it comes to story lines and strengthening their writing. In order to reach the goal which is success your elevator must continue to rise and never stop even when it reaches the sky, because we all know past the sky comes the planets and that big burning ball of fire known as the sun. Fabiola Joseph is that author siting on a cloud and aiming for Venus.
       With her new release Rebel's Domain Fabiola has introduced us to a new genre. I cannot tell you the name of this genre that she has created but I can tell you that it is in a league all of its own which has caused her to stand alone and stick out. This story's ink drips of a teenager in search of herself and struggling between what she knows and what can be. Scarlett is a rebel stepping into a game that many lose and others get lost in. The part a parent plays in a child's life determines their mental and physical well-being and whether they know it or not will forever live through their offspring even after death.
      Rebel's Domain will rip your heart out of your body and slowly approach you with it offering it back to you only to miss place it back in your chest and leave you filled with a soul full of emotions. If you're looking to have a one track mind and emotion based read then Rebel's Domain is not for you. This novel will cause your breath to catch in your throat, your tears to cloud your vision and your anger to rear its ugly head. Rebel's Domain is a 5 star read and a 5 star original. When the rebel's come to play no one or nothing will ever be ok.

Monday, November 12, 2012

All Mye Queen's Men by Brenda Stokes Lee

The Left Lane by Keith T.Hodge

Synopsis: The name Tyrone Philpott rings in the streets as being southern Virginia's top dog behind the wheel. Recognized and adored by hustlers for his ability to pimp rides, his carefree lifestyle is disrupted when he shoots his hot at a women who appears to be well beyond his grasp.
Telina Harris, a knockout sister with an education and an attitude, is piecing her life back together after getting a divorce from her cheating doctor husband. Scarred an not yet ready for a new man, her one night stand with a charismatic hustler becomes more than what she expected.
Despite being a business owner and grandma's boy, Tyrone crosses the thin line between being street and hood. For him, there is nothing more alluring than the chaotic double-edged razor called the hustle. One side is money and recognition and in the other, are the consequences. And these consequences he is all too familiar with....

Cartel Publications Contest

Cartel Publications is On The Hunt For The
2012 Cartel Publications NUMBER ONE FAN!
Winner Receives A New "IPAD MINI"!

Butterfly by Sexy



Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wahida Clark visits The George Mason Regional Library

The George Mason Regional Library in Annandale, VA is Hosting an Evening with The Official Queen of Street Literature, Wahida Clark.

Come Join Wahida Clark for an hour as Wahida shares her story and reveal how she stumbled upon becoming a New York Times Best Selling author and then one of the fastest growing Independent Publishers in the country.

George Mason Regional Library
7001 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 256-8122

Tuesday: November 13, 2012
From: 7:30-8:45pm
ACTION PACKED: Get a Sneak Peek from Honor Thy Thug (Thugs Part 6)! Talk to Wahida about the characters in her books. The Thug Series and Payback Series! Ask her your writing and how to get published questions. Pick her brain while you can. No holds barred! This event is FREE! Let's have a ball!

                     Wahida will be giving away 10 Gift Bags to the first 10 guests to come up to me and say, "I registered and I need Tasha's book!" lol

Yes, visit link below to register for the Event:

Will have copies of Payback Ain't Enough and Justify My Thug!As an added bonus: In the back of BALLER DREAMS ARE copies of those LETTERS everyone has been raving about!
THE LETTER, by Trae Macklin, THE RESPONSE & SHIT JUST GOT REAL both by Tasha Macklin!

The Knife in my Back by Stacey Covington-Lee

Available on Amazon and Barned and Noble

Brook Mansfield was born into a life of privilege. She had a family that loved her and all of the advantages that came from being rich, smart and beautiful. She also had friends, one of which was Tameka Williams. Tameka was a desperate woman looking to gain fortune, fame and love at any cost. It didn't matter who she hurt or used as long as she got what she wanted in the end. Despite the warnings from others, Brook took Tameka in and tried to love her as a sister. However, after taking the one thing that meant the most to Brook, it was time for the tables to turn. Tameka had used and betrayed her for the last time.

Rebel's Domain by Fabiola Jospeh Advanced Copy

E-BOOK DROPS 11-20-12

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Ebony:The Beloved Review by Hannah Spivey

      Ebony: The Beloved by Hannah Spivey was out of the ordinary and very different from what I  normally read. I can sum this novel up all in one word "sad" the events that took place is jaw dropping, depressing and shocking. Hannah took you on a journey starting from Ebony's life as a child until her teenage years. The build- up to the horrific events where written in great detail and you can actually feel the heart break from the main character Ebony like it was happening to you. The novel was depressing in a sense where Ebony could not catch a break and the little rays of sunshine that shined through those black out curtains quickly retreated and was replaced with darkness.
     Although Ebony: The Beloved was a nice detour from urban fiction novels written about drug dealers and etc I do believe that certain characters did not need so much attention and that certain scenes could have been added in order to make the most important, anticipated moments more breath taking. I would have liked to have read a little bit more about Ebony when she finally found her voice but am highly surprised with how she found it, the change of events did cause my eyes to widen.
     Hannah's novel was a turn pager because it made me constantly wonder when a change of events would take place, I wished things changed sooner but the novel did take me on a journey to a different place where parents are anything but loving, school is scary, and your first boyfriend is anything but dreamy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Renee by Brandie Davis

Now Available on Kindle, Nook
& Paperback

Wahida Clark at Classics Books & Gifts

Get your copy of Baller Dreams by Tasha Macklin on Saturday, Oct 20th at the Grand Opening of Classics Books & Gifts located from 2:00pm-4:00pm at
4 West Lafayette St, Trenton NJ

Wahida will be signing copies of Baller Dreams and all of her books. Readers who bring ALL of her books for her to sign to will be given an "I Love Wahida clark" backpack and she will also have author NeNe Capri with her to sign copies of the Pussy Trap.

And listen up guys! In the back of Baller Dreams there will be The Letter by Trae Macklin and The Response and Shit Just Got Real by Tash Macklin.

A Conversation with NeNe Capri

       When you think of authors think of originality. Think of people who stands outside of the box instead of within and who walks away from a crowd in order to be alone with a story on their mind waiting to be released. NeNe Capri has entered urban fiction with a title of a novel so eye catching so out of the norm that it has made her the hit of the genre and has everyone in anticipation of the Pussy Trap 2. In order to be a success in the writing world you have to stand out and be seen, you have to be what everyone is not. Now take a look into the world of an author who proved to be anything but normal.
  My Urban Books: As a child how would you describe yourself?
NeNe Capri: I was always very inquisitive and active. I began reading at three years old, so I learned a lot very quick. I had an imagination that was out of this world. I guess that has spilled over into adulthood. When I was three my mom gave birth to my little brother and when I learned I was a big sister I took that role personal (smile). I thought I was the mother.
     My Urban Books: Five years go, what did the life of NeNe Capri consist of?
NeNe Capri: Books, classes and tests. I was finishing up my pre-law degree and preparing to enter Temple University for my B.A in legal studies. I think it’s safe to say I did it.
My Urban Books: They always say that a creative mind is a little crazy, what about you would you say is a little off?
NeNe Capri: It’s funny that you asked me that. I was just riding with my daughter and telling her that when I was a little girl I had a whole imaginary world set up for myself with my dolls. She was so tickled. However, when she was little I had a chance to teach her how to play and use her imagination. I believe it builds creativity. I guess still being a kid at heart is where my scales tip.
My Urban Books: Are you able to tap into any of your characters at any given moment? If so, who are you most connected with and why?
NeNe Capri: Yes I do. Each one of my characters carries one of my characteristics because I gave birth to them. I love KoKo because she is a no nonsense type female. I am old school; I believe if you have a problem with someone address them handle it and move on. I am very intolerant of foolishness.
My Urban Books: How is it working under Wahida Clark’s publishing company? How do you believe it differs from other publishing companies?
 NeNe Capri: I am not too familiar with other publishing companies. However, I can say that I am very spoiled by Wahida she is like a mother to me so my relationship with her goes far beyond business. But, when it comes to business she is a beast. Wahida is always coming up with new and innovative ways to promote and expand the brand. I am blessed to be on her team.
My Urban Books: The title of your novel The Pussy Trap, is not an average title, how did readers first take to it when it was released?
NeNe Capri: The readers took to it right away. The title in itself sells the book. It was funny because I have people who will walk past the big poster we have at signings and read it, say it out loud then say hold up does that say what I think it says? Then they say let me have that right there.
My Urban Books: The Pussy Trap 2 releases October 19th care to give us a hint about what we’re in for?
NeNe Capri: The Pussy Trap 2, The Kiss of Death clears up all secrets. KoKo will uncover lies as one of the characters tells her, “You have surrounded yourself with your enemies and can’t even sort them out.” Yes the suspense is nail biting I can’t wait to read and hear the readers feedback.
My Urban Books: What books can we look forward to reading from you in the future; do you have a title(s) and a brief description you can tell us?
NeNe Capri: I have two other novels I am writing as we speak. The titles have not come to me yet. Also I have just completed a story called “Shattered” that will appear in an anthology called Love is Blind. 100% of the proceeds will go to a battered woman’s shelter. Domestic Violence is very close to my heart, I am blessed to be on this project.
My Urban Books: What are your thoughts on self-publishing? Do you believe it’s the way to go when entering the writing game?
NeNe Capri: I think that each author should do what is conducive to their goal as a writer. I will say this, the writing game much like the music industry is saturated right now. And with technology advancing how we read, the big book deals are far and few in between. Self publishing may be the best route and also utilizing the e-book options to cut down on costs until they are established.
My Urban Books: In your opinion what is the difference between a writer and author?
NeNe Capri: A writer is one who has the ability to put words on pages. An author creates a world that enables a reader to climb into those pages and be the words, be the touch, be the kiss. And then do it over and over again.
My Urban Books: What was the hardest question a reader has ever asked you? And how did you answer it?
NeNe Capri: To date I have not had one of those questions but I’m waiting on it (smile).
My Urban Books: What are some negatives about being an author who’s on the social network?
 NeNe Capri: I believe that one should use these avenues to promote and familiarize readers with their work. When I see authors arguing or disputing with a fan who may not have enjoyed their work, tarnishes their reputation and is not beneficial. Every one has an opinion and as an author we must respect that.
My Urban Books: What new authors have caught your attention?
NeNe Capri: Eyone Williams and Pinky Dior out of DC Book Divas camp, Boo Jackson, and Raymond Frances New Jersey’s finest. Just to name a few.
My Urban Books: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
NeNe Capri: Don’t give up. Get a good editor. And become a student of the craft. Learn as much as you can. Surround yourself with good people and embrace criticism so you can grow and become a great writer. Promote. Promote. Promote.