Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
A Conversation With Zane
From the moment Zane stepped foot in the writing game she took her place as queen of erotica. Her novels such as Addicted, Nervous, Afterburn, and the Heat Seekers will grab you from page one and wont let go until you've hit the last page and are forced to close it. Anything Zane pens turns platinum, now meet the master mind the pen.
Brandie: Now Zane, tell us what made you decide to write erotica? a lot of people are secretive once it comes to sex yet you don't have a problem writing about it why is that?
Zane: I did not choose to write erotica. That is the irony in all of this. I did not even read an erotic book until I had written Addicted and at least 60 short stories. I happen to be a very detailed writer who does not sugar coat sex scenes anymore than I sugar coat anything else. Too many people get caught up in the sexual aspects but if you really listen to what my readers say about my books, they are discussing the life lessons in them.
Brandie: What would you say are the ingredients for writing a good erotic novel?
Zane: Well I would have to say the same that are in any noel. A writer with the ability to actually write in an entertaining style, great character development, a well thought out storyline, a feasible amount of back story on the characters, and being able to tie it all together into a big knot that will touch the hearts of readers. You could write 5,000 pages of straight sex scene but most readers would be bored by page 5, no matter who the writer is.
Brandie: What will you say is the difference between the sex scenes in your novel and the sex scenes in other author's works?
Zane: I am not sure that there is a huge difference between the sex scene but I know that when I write, the sex is the least important factor. I concentrate on everything else. If my readers do not feel an attachment for my characters why would they care about them having sex?
Brandie: Some people believe your books are a little too raunchy, what do you think?
Zane: I think that if they are too raunchy for them, that they need to read something else, I do not address
criticism. As long as I understand the purpose behind my writing, that is all that matters.
Brandie: Your book The Sisters of APF got a lot of people's attention. Since you came out with the book have you heard of anyone making the sorority a reality?
Zane: I have heard of people attempting to do so but they cannot officially do it without my permission. I do know that some people have the "freak nights" like the ones in APF but APF itself belongs solely to me.
Brandie: What was your inspiration for writing Nervous?
Zane: Nervous was basked on a short story of the same name. When I first wrote the story, I initially thought it would great as an expanded novel. With Nervous, I wanted to challenge myself as a writer to see if I could portray one woman who was innocent and virginal and another who was a whore and make them share the same body. I also wanted to see if readers would show compassion toward both of them, even though the obvious first thought would be for them to hate the whore. I think that I did an effective job pulling off my intention.
Brandie: What made you decide to write lesbian erotic novels? Are people flocking to Purple Panties and Missionary No More as much as they are your other novels?
Zane: Both books have done exceptionally well and most of the readers are straight women or men. I have always written lesbian eroitca, even in some of the stories in The Sex Chronicles: Shattering the Myth, my first book. Also, there is a lesbian relationship in Addicted so it was really nothing new, just a further step in a compilation. Passion and sensuality are universal and I publish a lot of lesbian and gay authors. We also have a male compilation called Flesh to Flesh. Thinking back, the second erotic story that I ever wrote, The Airport, had two women getting it in. LOL.
Brandie: What other projects can we expect from you? Will it be anything like Addicted or Nervous?
Zane: I will be writing the follow-up books in the Addicted series at some point and I have three other novels coming out in 2012.
Brandie: You have been writing for years, before e-reading devices came out. So what do you think about this new craze? Do you believe it is hurting or helping the literary world?
Zane: We still print a lot of books and there are still a ton of folks who are not e-readers, including myself. While I believe books will become more digital, I do know that it is killing bookstores and that is a travesty.
Brandie: What authors do you recommend people read and why?
Zane: All of the ones that I publish because I have 100% faith in them and their writing or I would not have selected their books out of tens of thousands of others over the years, spent countless hours editing their books, and put my finances behind them. I tend to pick authors who think outside of the box, have great character development, and are wonderful storytellers.
Brandie: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Zane: Make writing a daily habit. Do it because of passion, not because of anticipated fame and fortune. For most writers, that will never come and to most who do achieve, it is not even important. The most successful writers who withstand the test of time are not driven by such things. They also should find their own voices instead of trying to emulate others. It doesn't work.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Black Friday by Ashley and Jaquavis Review
New York Times bestselling authors Ashley & Jaquavis will have you begging and pleading for a sequel to their hit novel Black Friday. After recently reading it all I kept asking myself "is why I did I take so long to read this novel?" Black Friday is simple, yet complex, heartfelt yet a temper starter, it's a game of who can outsmart the other and be crowned the grimiest of them all. Everyone has a motive and no one is loyal to anyone but themselves. Forget taking it to the streets, their taking it to the courtroom where twelve strangers society knows as jurors holds your life in the palm of their hands.
In Black Friday money is nothing but a toy being passed around and love and loyalty is a diamond in the ruff, you're gonna have to dig pretty deep to find these hidden treasure. Ashley & Jaquavis takes you on a ride where nothing is what it seems, forget what you think and go with your instincts if something doesn't feel right more than likely it isn't. These authors get to the root of the issues; I read this book so quickly by the time I was done I looked up at the clock and said "where did the time go? I just started" don't sleep on Black Friday. If you like The Cartel then back room on your bookshelves and ereaders because you'll fall for Black Friday as well. One night changed everything; one person's actions can affect everyone! so think twice before you make a move.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Mistress INC by Nobia Bryant
From the author of Message From a Message and Mistress No More
Nobia Bryant brings you
Mistress, INC
Nobia Bryant brings you
Mistress, INC
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Win 2 Books
The first person to write the correct answers will win the kindle books Jaded by Envy Red AND Don't Tell Your Cousin by Veronica E. Kelly.
1) Name the Wifey's series in the correct order
2) Who are the last 3 authors I interviewed?
***You must be a follower in order to participate.***
1) Name the Wifey's series in the correct order
2) Who are the last 3 authors I interviewed?
***You must be a follower in order to participate.***
A Conversation with Shan
In the urban fiction game authors come and go, but many are forgotten and few are remembered that's why Shan, a rookie in the writing game has made sure when she came out with her first novel Rozalyn she came correct. This author is making a great deal of noise in the book clubs of facebook because of Rozalyn, so I wanted to see what all the fuss is about, wanted to pick the brain of the person wrote this novel. So I sat down, got my questions ready and waited for the results and this is what I got.
Brandie: Shan you are new in the game so tell us a little bit about yourself.
Shan: Well, I am 26 years old born in Shreveport, Louisiana but raised in Dallas, Texas. I am a single mother of 3, 1 boy and 2 girls. I love basketball and enjoy watching and playing it. Over all I'm a pretty laid back type of person. Easy to get along with
Brandie: There are a lot of genres out there, why write urban fiction? What steered you in that direction?
Shan: I write urban fiction because although its categorized as fiction, it's real. Being that I've grown up in the hood; it's what I know, it's what I'm used to so it's more of what I can relate to. Nine times out of ten most of the things you read in urban fiction you have either gone through yourself or know someone that has. For me personally, writing things that I've gone through or seen others go through is like therapy. Some people go see a doctor for their problems but I pray and write about it. I love writing and entertaining others with the things I write. I have a lot more to learn about the publishing world but I plan to around for a long time and urban fiction won't be the only genre I explore.
Brandie: Urban fiction is a popular genre; it has grown tremendously and is known everywhere you look. So tell me Shan what makes your work different from the rest? What can readers get from you that we can't get from other authors?
Shan: Readers can expect to feel what my characters are going through the minute they open my book and read the first sentence. My writing is very raw and uncut I try not to sugarcoat anything. And when I write I write in the first person's point of view so to me I am giving readers a look into the characters mind; they know what they're going through, what their thinking and therefore feel closely connected to each character.
Brandie: Let's talk about your book Rozalyn. Rozalyn and Tamar are pretty interesting characters. Who are they? What makes them tick?
Shan: Rozalyn is a young, naive girl that's really lost. She is so hungry for love that she doesn't even realize when it's not true love or what loves supposed to feel like. The only thing that makes her tick is someone not loving her. You can tell while reading that she was very upset with the way her mother did her and with her dad not being in her life. Rozalyn is a very pretty girl with low self-esteem and for that reason alone it causes her to make some not so smart mistakes.
On the other hand Tamar is a hot head. He's cocky, smart, and very handsome. He really believes in family, and that they should be there for one another. Tamar doesn't open his heart up to anybody, so for someone to take advantage of what little love he gives pisses him off and causes him to do dumb, insane things. To understand his character one has to understand where he comes from, his upbringing.
Brandie: I read Rozalyn and I noticed that Rozalyn and Tamar's relationship seems to mirror the relationship of Keylan and Latoya. For example, Tamar wants kids but Rozalyn doesn't believe the time is right, yet Latoya wants kids and Keylan doesn't believe the time is right. Did you do this purposely; maybe the perfect relationships could exist if the couples swap partners?
Shan: Yes this was done purposely. Rozalyn is very goal oriented; she has dreams and believes that she will accomplish them. She believes in marriage, has morals and wants to wait before having kids. In the beginning Tamar didn't want kids, but after certain events he changed his mind. As far as Latoya and Keylan's relationship is concerned (which you will read more about in part 2) Latoya will give anything to have a baby. She wants it more than anything but Keylan is smart; he knows he is not living his life right, so why bring a child into the world? Keylan and Rozalyn do have the same views but Keylan would never date someone like Rozalyn, she's not headstrong enough for him. Latoya is a strong, independent individual. Rozalyn hasn't gotten to that point in her life yet.
Brandie: Will the Rozalyn series stop after part 2 or can we expect a part 3?
Shan: That all depends on the readers. If they read part 2 and the feedback I get are readers wanting more of Rozalyn and Tamar then definitely. I've fallen in love with these characters and could write about them forever, but it all depends on what the readers feel in the end.
Brandie: What is there about your novel we don't already know?
Shan: Yes and that is that Rozalyn was pretty much inspired from the things that I've gone through. Although it is a fiction read it wad developed from my childhood, growing up I felt a sense of abandonment from my mama and daddy. My mother is a recovering drug addict; she has been clean for 4 - 5 years. She is truly an inspiration to me, seeing her overcome such a battle has make me realize that anything is possible. Throughout my childhood she was struggling with drugs and my dad had another family so I went out seeking love from others. I ended up getting pregnant at 14 with my son and had him when I was 15, so I can definitely relate to teenage pregnancy and how often it happens in society today.
After I had my son I didn't write as much as I used to. Months eventually turned into years before I picked up a pen again, it wasn't until after my son's father was murdered when I started writing heavenly again. I felt like I didn't have anyone to talk to about the way I was feeling and if I did talk to someone they didn't understand what I was going through. So once again writing was what I used for therapy. It's pretty much when I developed Rozalyn's story. I didn't plan on publishing at the time; it was more like a journal writing for me. Just last year after hearing my pastor speak about following through with dreams and not ignoring your talents is when I decided that I was going to give Rozalyn to the public. Rozalyn has been in the making for a few years now just lying dormant around the house, I finally brought it to life and am very happy about that.
Brandie: What is there about your novel we don't already know?
Shan: Yes and that is that Rozalyn was pretty much inspired from the things that I've gone through. Although it is a fiction read it wad developed from my childhood, growing up I felt a sense of abandonment from my mama and daddy. My mother is a recovering drug addict; she has been clean for 4 - 5 years. She is truly an inspiration to me, seeing her overcome such a battle has make me realize that anything is possible. Throughout my childhood she was struggling with drugs and my dad had another family so I went out seeking love from others. I ended up getting pregnant at 14 with my son and had him when I was 15, so I can definitely relate to teenage pregnancy and how often it happens in society today.
After I had my son I didn't write as much as I used to. Months eventually turned into years before I picked up a pen again, it wasn't until after my son's father was murdered when I started writing heavenly again. I felt like I didn't have anyone to talk to about the way I was feeling and if I did talk to someone they didn't understand what I was going through. So once again writing was what I used for therapy. It's pretty much when I developed Rozalyn's story. I didn't plan on publishing at the time; it was more like a journal writing for me. Just last year after hearing my pastor speak about following through with dreams and not ignoring your talents is when I decided that I was going to give Rozalyn to the public. Rozalyn has been in the making for a few years now just lying dormant around the house, I finally brought it to life and am very happy about that.
Me: Have you thought of a topic for a novel outside of Rozalyn? If so what is it?
Shan: Yes, I have plenty of novels that I have lined up to write, so many ideas and story lines running through my head that it's crazy. All I'm going to say is that my third book will be based on a character from Rozalyn and it will be out around the summer of next year.
Brandie: Besides writing, what other projects can we look forward to you venturing out into?
Shan: Well I plan to pen three other novels after my debut novel Rozalyn and drop them next year. After that I am going to take a small break from writing novels and focus on writing screen plays. Screen plays are what I used to write when I was younger and I would love to start it up again and hopefully take it on the road. I would also like to write a few movie scripts in the future as well.
Brandie: Every author has their own advice for aspiring authors, what's yours?
Shan: The best advise I can give is to do your homework, research as much as you can and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also never let anybody tell you that your story isn't worth telling. Follow through with your dreams and don't give up.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
White Lines 2: Sunny by Tracy Brown
White Lines 2 release date will be pushed to April 2012. This is what Ms.Brown had to say regarding it coming out later.
"Announcement: Because I LOVE my readers, and didn't want to rush while writing the story... White Lines 2: Sunny will come out in April 2012... a slightly longer wait. Thanks so much for your support! XOXO"
Monday, November 28, 2011
Low Down and Dirty By Vickie M Stringer
Red is back in Vickie M. Stringer's New Novel
Low Down and Dirty
Low Down and Dirty
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Karma's a Bitch Review
Karma is such a bitch that at the end of day you wind up becoming her bitch. To every action there's a reaction so if you throw dirt be prepared to get dirty. In Karma's a Bitch by J.Gail, Tony Jackson was hit my karma on numerous occasions but didn't change his ways until things got out of hand and a light bulb went off on the top of his head that living as an unemployed, selfish, loud mouth is no way to be.
Karma's a Bitch is a creative, entertaining novel that takes urban fiction into a different direction. When reading urban fiction I am sure we all can agree that we either read about the glamorous life or life down in the dumps. But when you read Karma's a Bitch you are taken into a part of life which falls in between the rich and the poor known as middle class. The characters each view and lives life differently which makes it possible for readers from all walks of life to relate to the novel. Tony does not live in a big fancy house or wears designer clothes, or has any money for that matter. Instead he is unemployed and prefers to make a living by mooching off of women including his grandmother,but this is not just about Tony take a walk into the life's of the people closest to him and read how each and everyone of his actions effects the life's of the people he surrounds himself with and how he drags them through the mud right along with him. This is not your typical novel or man so I an guarantee you will enjoy what you read.
The moment you open this book you're emotions are being stirred, one second your angry, and the next your laughing. This novel hits life itself on the head, it takes you into the male and female psyche. I have heard on several occasions from urban fiction readers that they put the genre down for a second simply because they believe a lot of the books have the same topics and are predictable, but J.Gail's novel does not fit into that category. Yes it is urban fiction, but the storyline and trials and tribulations takes on its own identify. The book was never a bore, never made me want to jump a head or rush through, actually the only time I rushed the reading was while on the train because I wanted to know what happened before getting off.
This novel does not overwhelm you with certain issues, for example J.Gail keeps you're interest piqued by going into different relationship issues and different struggles from different characters. The author knows when to talk about one character and when to move on to the next. You will not think to yourself whatever happened too etc because they have disappeared for such along time instead they are intertwined so graciously within the writing it's as if they never left but stepped out the room for a second.
However, the character Jenny I do wish got a little crazier and went to new heights, for me she was that character that could have made the novel explode but instead slowly started to dwindle. Jenny has the makings of a real psycho and I do like my nut cases in my novels lol, that is the only thing I would have changed Jenny would have never stopped, Jenny would have went a little bit further but then again I can respect the route J.Gail went with the character because she did come across as more realistic and less fiction like.
The ending was a breath of fresh air, down from the last chapter to the last sentence. I am a picky reader, I do not recommend just any book and I look for novels that stick out and have their own voice, so if you want something different, something out of the ordinary pick up Karma's a Bitch because we all know in order for someone to get up they have to get knocked down.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
How did Liberty avoid getting pregnant by Samad? be specifc and what is A'shai's girlfriends name?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A Conversation with Miss.KP
Add one cup of a cheater, two tea spoons of a selfish man, one ounce of an abuser, a pound of kids, and a pinch of a woman fed up and you have yourself a dirty divorce. Miss. KP cooked up a jaw dropping, drama filled, shaking your head because you can't believe what you just read series called the Dirty Divorce. Coming into the game with her first novel The Dirty Divorce Miss.KP kicked the door down and made sure everyone would know her name. So of course I reached out to the woman who was making all this ruckus for an interview.
Brandie: Miss.KP what made you decide to write urban fiction?
Miss.KP: I was inspired by Sister Souljah's The Coldest Winter Ever and I felt I would touch my people through literature. So many people would never pick up a book, so I felt I could touch them through literature that is relatable. And once I got their attention have them think about the characters choices and what they could've done to have a different outcome.
Brandie: How long did it take you to write The Dirty Divorce series?
Miss. KP: The series took me a full year with each book taking me around four months.
Brandie: Whats was the hardest and easiest thing about writing the series?
Miss. KP: Nothing was really easy about writing the series because I am very hard on myself and have a competitive spirit. The pressure of keeping each book as good or better than the first was the hardest. I never want to wait any ones time, so I really try hard to produce the best product as possible.
Brandie: I'm sure a lot of people are wondering, why did you decide bring Juan back and not Carlos?
Miss. KP: I felt more readers related to Juan. Women love their sons and that was the character readers were saddest about dying.
Brandie: When you see someone carrying your book what runs through your mind?
Miss.KP: It's surreal. So often I have people call me and say someone didn't believe they knew me when they saw them reading my book. So they'd have them call me to prove it. It's all a blessing and I thank God everyday for this opportunity to live out my dream of being a writer.
Brandie: If you could collaborate with any author who would it be and why?
Miss.KP: Steve Harvey. I have a lot of opinions that I would like to address from a woman's perspective.
Brandie: What was the best advise you ever received pertaining to writing?
Miss.KP: Be a student and learn. My editor brings out the best in me. I don't get so attached to my work that I can't make changes or listen to other ideas that will make my craft even better.
Me: Besides your own novels, what is your favorite urban fiction book?
Miss.KP: I love books by my LCB (Life Changing Books) family. One Night Stand by Kendall Banks, The Available Wife by Carla Pennington, and True to the Game by Teri Woods is a favorite as well.
Brandie: I hear your next novel to be released is Paparazzi. What will this novel be about, what characters can we look forward to meeting, and will it be a series?
Miss.KP: This is a work in progress but will definitely be a series. Kennedi is the main character and is full of drama. Her determination o be on top gets her caught up with all types of chaos. The streets are always watching and once you make it to the top, it's no telling how a buried past can destroy your future. Kennedi has a lot going on and I feel this will be another one the readers will love!
Brandie: Now my famous question, What advice would you give inspiring authors?
Miss.KP: Never give up and no matter how many doors close in your face the right door will open. Remember God gives you opportunities not man. What's for you, is for you.
Brandie: I could not have said it better myself.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ashley & Jaquavis Give Away Questions 5 & 6
Question 5: What was the song playing in the background of the Murderville book trailer when the girls are in the kitchen? who is the artist?
Question 6: What book is Boss Sparks from?
Question 6: What book is Boss Sparks from?
Friday, November 4, 2011
Evelyn Lozada Deal With Cash Money
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Evelyn Lozada |
Evelyn Lozada from the reality show Basketball Wife's has signed a six-figure book and film deal with Cash Money. According to Hollywood.com her books will be fictional and "loosely based off of her life and dating professional athletes." Her novels will eventually make it to the big screen but before any films are made her first novel titled The Wife's Association will be released. Read more about Evelyn's venture into publishing and film in the link below.
Ashley & Jaquavis Give Away Questions 3 & 4
Question 3- Out of all the characters Ashley & Jaquavis created who is Jaquavis favorite?
Question 4- Out of all the characters Ashley & Jaquavis created who us Ashley's favorite?
Question 4- Out of all the characters Ashley & Jaquavis created who us Ashley's favorite?
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Ashley and Jaquavis Give Away
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Jaquavis & Ashley |
Starting tomorrow 10/31/2011 A&J will post one question for seven days. Once the seven days have passed you must submit your answers to them via facebook message. The first five correct submissions will receive a gift basket and the first one hundred correct submissions will receive books. Ashley and Jaquavis are trying to tell their fans thank you, I don't know about yall but I'm participating!
Participate by following them on their facebook pages The Writers Block- Ashley & Jaquavis Books and Authors Ashley Jaquavis.
Friday, October 28, 2011
A Conversation with Traci Bee
Whenever I used to hear the phrase "Two Tears in a Bucket" I would follow it by saying "fuck it". But now when I hear someone say that phrase I think of Traci Bee's novel and its sequel Another Tear. Sometimes it's not about what life throws at you but how you handle it. No matter what happens you have to fight, you can't just lie down and die because once you do that's when you lose. So take a page from Simone's book and handle your business all while saying "Two Tears in a Bucket." Welcome to my conversation with Traci Bee.
Brandie: How did you come up with the story line for Two Tears in a Bucket? How did you get the idea?
Traci Bee: Two Tears in a Bucket is loosely based on some personal experiences that I embellished into fiction.
Brandie: The relationship between Simone and her parents are very important parts in the novel, how is your relationship with your parents?
Traci Bee: I have always been and will always be a daddy's girl. My dad was my absolute everything. He died nine years ago the very way Thomas died in Two Tears in a Bucket. In all actuality, Thomas was created in my father's likeness. His jovial personality, quick wit, southern charm were all attributes of my dad. The bond Simone and her dad shared is identical to the bond my dad and I shared. My mom and I are also close. She's one of my best friends.
Brandie: Who was your inspiration for creating Simone? Does she represent someone in real life?
Traci Bee: Simone is a mixture of several women that I know, myself included.
Brandie: When did you know that you wanted to write? Why do you write?
Traci Bee: Writing has always been an escape. It's one of the rare times that my imagination can soar freely and morals and rules that tend to dictate our everyday life are tossed to the side. I can escape to my own little world where I can entertain myself and be in control of absolutely everything.
Brandie: What was your fear when writing your books?
Traci Bee: Believe it or not, I didn't have any fears. I was doing what I enjoyed. When the book was finished, I was too excited. Fear was never a factor.
Brandie: Will there be a part 3 to the series Two Tears in a Bucket? If so do you have a name already picked out?
Traci Bee: Yes, there will be one more - The Final Tear. No release date in mind yet.
Brandie: What other books will you write outside of the Two Tears series? What characters can we expect to meet? Are they anything like Simone and Kevin?
Traci Bee: In between writing the Two Tears in a Bucket series, I've been toying with another title, A Nickel for a Kiss. Now that Another Tear is done, A Nickel For A Kiss is burning holes in my fingers. My grandmother use to say, the worst beating in life is the one we give ourselves. A Nickel for a Kiss is Ginger Montgomery's twisted tale of karma. It reiterates two things that we've all been told countless time: know your self-worth and the grass isn't always greener. Its unreal the way karma comes back to haunt Ginger.
Brandie: If there's one thing you can change about your books Two Tears in a Bucket and Another Tear what would it be?
Traci Bee: If I could change one thing it would be the creation process, I would pen the entire story, all three parts, and release them six months apart from each other. When I was writing Two Tears in a Bucket, I never planned to continue the story. But when it was all said and done, my writing coach asked me, "So what happens with Felicia? The readers will want to know." Needless to say, that sparked the second book. The fact that Felicia wouldn't die sparked the third. I tried to kill her but the details were always off and it never really flowed. It read like it had been forced. I'm not saying that she will die in the third, but something will happen to her. She can't run from justice forever.
Brandie: What is the best thing about being an author?
Traci Bee: The love from the readers is so unreal. I get teary- eyed. The readers are truly amazing. To know that someone actually took the time to read my work when there are so many others to choose is one thing in itself. It's very humbling. When I write, I'm writing to my entertainment first. Then to know that someone else was entertained by it as well makes it all seem surreal.
Brandie: What advice would you give aspiring authors?
Traci Bee: Write! Don't worry about the order of the story or the grammar yet- just write! you can get a critique and edit later. And never delete what you write, even if you're changing the story around and feel you won't need it. DO NOT DELETE IT. Cut and paste those scraps into a document. I have a scene that was deleted from Two Tears in a Bucket that fits into a Final Tear perfectly! I was about to cut and paste it right from my scraps.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wahida Clarks Young Adult Book Line
As of early 2011 Wahida Clark has started a Young Adult book line whose target audience is young adults between the ages of 14-18. The first book to drop under the line is Under Pressure by Rashawn Hughes. Other novels under the line includes The Boy is Mine by Charmaine White and Ninety-Nine Problems by Gloria Dotson - Lewis which will be released shortly. To learn more about Wahida Clark's Young Adult line click the link below.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Conversation with Jacqueline McDuffie
The Urban Dictionary definition of a Diamond in the Rough:
1)Someone who has hidden exceptional characteristics and/ or future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make them truly stand out from the crow. 2) A person who appears dubious at first but turns out to be exceptional. 3) Someone who falls into unfortunate circumstances but works to better themselves.
When urban fiction authors write it's mainly because they have a story to tell. It's an outlet given to them simply by pressing the keys on a keyboard or scribbling a pen against paper, It's another form of art, Painters have their paint brush and writers have their pen, at the end of the day master pieces are made which are bound to grace walls and bookshelves, There are many forms of art, many pictures, book, sculptures, and jewels. But sometimes you stumble amongst that one special jewel, the one which outshines the rest and comes around once in a blue moon, a diamond in the rough.
Jacqueline McDuffie is the author of A Diamond in the Rough, a novel based on her life and Betrayal of Love. After deciding to pick her brain I reached out to her and asked for an interview, this is our conversation.
Brandie: Ms.McDuffie what made you become an author?
Jacqueline McDuffie: I used to want to be a rapper, but after rhyming for kids at school, going to the studio and being on stage at block parties I never pursued it. I grew up in the projects of DC North East and I remember struggling. At the age of 15 I became a grown woman once I came out pregnant with my first child It was then I knew I had a story to tell. Losing his father in the streets I began writing in my diary. Years later I has my second child and was in an abusive relationship, it was when the relationship ended I began writing my first novel A Diamond in the Rough.
Brandie: What would you say is the hardest thing about being an author?
Jacqueline McDuffie: The hardest thing about being an author is your competitors and trying to write what folks can relate too.
Brandie: Are you currently working on a new novel?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Yes, I am currently working on an erotica story called $UGAR WALLZ, another urban fiction novel that will be released early 2012.
Brandie: How many books would you like to write during your career? Have you thought of a number?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Yes! my goal is write one book every year to keep my readers entertained. I never really thought about a number because I like to write novels that will have you on the edge of your seat. I don't recommend for authors to write books, after books when they aren't good reads and are only done to make a profit, You really have to have your heart and passion from the pen to the pad.
Brandie: What advice would you give inspiring writers?
Jacqueline McDuffie: My advice to anyone who is trying to pursue their dreams is to never give up, never show weakness and keep your mind set on your goals. If you have a story to tell get it out there and never worry about what people say or think about you. Your testimony can either help or save another. Pray, keep God and your family first. Patience is a virtue. Always know that all of us have some kind of gift inside of us whether we know it or not. What you are epecting is already expecting you. The dream is real.
Brandie: What writers in the game do you admire and why?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Zane is my role model, I love erotica books.
Brandie: What do you hope to accomplish?
Jacqueline McDuffie: I hope to one day work with Tyler Perry and become a successful entrepreneur.
Brandie: What message do you want your books to give?
Jacqueline McDuffie: A positive but real straight to the point message. My urban tales which I call "Tales from the Hood" is what men and women can relate too. My stories are deep, pleasurable, yet enjoyable.
Jacqueline McDuffie: The hardest thing about being an author is your competitors and trying to write what folks can relate too.
Brandie: Are you currently working on a new novel?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Yes, I am currently working on an erotica story called $UGAR WALLZ, another urban fiction novel that will be released early 2012.
Brandie: How many books would you like to write during your career? Have you thought of a number?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Yes! my goal is write one book every year to keep my readers entertained. I never really thought about a number because I like to write novels that will have you on the edge of your seat. I don't recommend for authors to write books, after books when they aren't good reads and are only done to make a profit, You really have to have your heart and passion from the pen to the pad.
Brandie: What advice would you give inspiring writers?
Jacqueline McDuffie: My advice to anyone who is trying to pursue their dreams is to never give up, never show weakness and keep your mind set on your goals. If you have a story to tell get it out there and never worry about what people say or think about you. Your testimony can either help or save another. Pray, keep God and your family first. Patience is a virtue. Always know that all of us have some kind of gift inside of us whether we know it or not. What you are epecting is already expecting you. The dream is real.
Brandie: What writers in the game do you admire and why?
Jacqueline McDuffie: Zane is my role model, I love erotica books.
Brandie: What do you hope to accomplish?
Jacqueline McDuffie: I hope to one day work with Tyler Perry and become a successful entrepreneur.
Brandie: What message do you want your books to give?
Jacqueline McDuffie: A positive but real straight to the point message. My urban tales which I call "Tales from the Hood" is what men and women can relate too. My stories are deep, pleasurable, yet enjoyable.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Rozalyn by Shan
I had the pleasure of reading the first five chapters from the novel Rozalyn by Shan and I must say that it was an interesting read. This author is very descriptive in her novel which comes in handy when learning the life's, and personality traits of each character. She puts you into the mind of her characters, giving you front row seats as to why they are doing the things their doing. One of the things I really appreciated about this novel were the issues that revolved around family, I found it to be creative and attention catching. That was the first thing to draw me into the story, the relationship between Rozalyn and her parents.
This novel has not been released yet, so I can only speak on the first five chapters that I was able to get my hands on. Rozalyn has originality embedded into it, it includes an aspect that urban fiction novels I've read has not touched upon, and that is the female virginity and the conscience decision to keep it. I remember thinking five chapters, why is the author allowing so many to be read? why not only two? but now I know why, by her allowing me to read only the first five I was able to get know the characters and understand the seriousness of their situations. Chapter five was a cliff hanger; it left me wanting to witness the chaos that I know will take place past the chapters I've read. If I am guessing correct drama will occur from every corner of the book, characters who you thought held no importance will prove to be grimy and an addition to the drama.
Rozalyn is the first novel released by Shan and it proves to be drama filled, with characters out for self who refuses to lose. I predict jealousy, competition, anger, pain, and the ultimate revenge brewing in this novel. So if you know like I do you'll get your copy the moment they hit bookshelves.
**Rozalyn will be released in paperback on 11/11/11 and on Kindle and Nook 11/21/11**
**Rozalyn will be released in paperback on 11/11/11 and on Kindle and Nook 11/21/11**
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
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